Keto Diet Guide-1: What Is Ketogenic Diet? Is It Safe?


Your body needs a constant supply of energy to do proper functioning. Sugar, carbohydrates, and glucose are the main sources of energy in the body. In the absence of these energy reserves, the body starts utilizing sugar as a source and the liver starts producing ketones using this sugar. The ketones than provide the cells with the necessary energy. The word “Ketogenic” comes from ketone (means sugar compound) and genic simply means producing. In simple words, the Keto diet is a high fat, low carbohydrates, and rich in protein diet.

Benefits of Ketogenic Diet

Ketogenic diet is the first one to have existed for a long time. One of the amazing facts about this diet is that it changes the way your body operates. While other diets focus on lessen the caloric consumption in the body ketogenic diet relies on changing the energy source. The diet has also some positive aspects associated with it,

1. Maintain Sugar Levels

From the fact that ketones are produced while liver consumes sugar the ketogenic diet- It is healthy for diabetes. Moreover, the body consumes sugar thus, It maintains the sugar levels to a suitable point and reduces the risk of getting diabetes in the first place.

2. Fuel For Brain

When body run out of carbohydrates, it uses ketones and the brain acts as a machine which provide instructions to covert the energy using ketosis for the body. Ketogenic diet is highly composed of fats and fats act as fuel for the brain. Thus, ketones not only are responsible for brain health but also reduce the risk of getting any neurological disease naturally.

3. Weight Loss

Perhaps the most anticipated result of keto diet. Liver uses the fat gathered in the body to produce ketones and in doing so, it helps the body to get rid of excessive weight. So, it’s safe to say that this diet is suitable for weight loss.

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4. Increases HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) Cholesterol

When you consume a protein rich and low on carbs diet. It increases your HDL cholesterol level in the body and reduces the LDL level. High HDL levels prevent the risk of heart attack as it carries the cholesterol to the liver, which then flush it all out of the body.

5. Reduce Skin Problems

High on carbs diet contain toxins which cause allergic reactions in the skin and your face is covered with acne and rash. When you cut off from carbs and shift to fat based diet. The risk of having such problems also reduces.

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Is Ketogenic Diet Safe?

The diet has many benefits but it can’t be taken suddenly without any supervision. If you’re having heart issues and suffering from fat intolerance the diet could be dangerous for you. The diet also works for short term and can be unhealthy because you lose not only fat but muscles also in the process. Your body takes extreme fatigue and it can damage your heart and muscles.

We recommend talking with a professional and get a suitable keto diet plan based on your health’s nature.

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