Keto Diet Guide-2: Ketogenic Diet Suggestions For Beginners


Keto Diet is high fat and low carbohydrate diet having numerous health benefits. Keto Diet is good for diseases like cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. It reduces carbohydrate consumption of the body and shift the body on fats for energy. This reduction in carbohydrates put the body in Ketosis State. It is also good for boosting the brain energies. In this article, we will look upon some Ketogenic diet suggestions for beginners.

What Does “Keto” means

“Keto” or “Ketogenic” diet causes your body to produce fuel molecules like “Ketones”. It is the alternative of traditional fuel source when the blood sugar (Glucose) is short in the body. When we eat fewer carbohydrates, our liver produce ketones and these Ketones are helpful for the brain. Our brain is the only hungry organ in our body that functions on these Ketones or Glucose.

On Keto diet, our entire body switches its fuel to fats. When there is drop in blood sugar level than rate at which fats burn increases. It is easier for body to burn stored fat. As Keto diet has many benefits like less hunger and frequent energy supply. When Body produces ketones, it enters into the state called Ketosis. The Best way to get into the Ketosis state is fasting. Although both fasting and keto diet is adopted to achieve ketosis but only keto diet is sustainable for long time.

Ketosis Benefits

Switching Energy sources to Ketones, may reduce stress and inflammation. It is helpful for reduction of chronic diseases. The established benefits of Ketosis are Weight loss, Seizure Management, Athletic performance and t also prevents from diabetes and prediabetes.

Suggestions for Beginners

Although there is no evidence but expensive supplements like MCT oil or exogenous ketones doesn’t help to lose weight or prevent from diseases. A ketone supplement doesn’t lower blood sugar or fat burning but it has benefits on weight loss or type 2 diabetes.

Salesman may persuade you that these supplements may change your life but these are only stories. These supplements may work for short time. Perhaps if you want these supplements, try them on your own and experience it with keto diet.

Read Also: Keto Diet Explained In Detail

Signs of Ketosis

There are several signs of ketosis and some common signs are discussed below:

  • Frequent urination and increased thirst
  • Dry Mouth
  • Fruity breathe
  • Initial fatigue

Here are some foods you must eat for keto diet

Following are foods you must try on keto diet:

  • Eggs
  • Nuts and Seeds (Walnuts, flax seeds)
  • Butter and cream
  • Cheese
  • Fatty fish (like salmon tuna, trout)
  • Oils ( extra-virgin olive oils, coconut oil)

Read Also: Updated List Of Unhealthy Foods

Here are some foods to avoid for better diet

Following are foods to avoid while being on keto diet:

  • Starches or grains (rice, pasta, wheat based products)
  • Foods having sugar (Fruit juices, cake, ice-cream)
  • Fruit (All fruit except strawberries)
  • Alcohol
  • Donut

Does Ketosis Safe of Everyone

Ketosis is safe for everyone because it has health benefits like Weight loss, insulin level control etc. However, individuals should follow the Doctor’s instructions as well rather than avoiding it altogether.

Things to consider during ketosis,

  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes or Insulin medication
  • Pregnancy
  • Liver, heart or kidney disease
  • Gastric bypass patient

Conditions for ketosis should be avoided:

  • Milk-feeding women
  • Patients with rare metabolic conditions such as Enzyme deficiencies

These were some ketogenic diet suggestions for beginners, but we recommend that you must have expert’s opinion before trying them.

Read Also: What Is Keto Diet- Is It Safe?


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