5 Things You Should Never Do To Live Longer Life


Good health is a big secret behind every happy man. Life loses it interest in case when you are suffering from it. You enjoy neither food nor life. Spending your time joyfully, also leads to big disappointment as well. A healthy person (rich or poor) lives comfortable life than any rich person with parallelized body. Therefore, it is said that a big wealth for a person is its health.

“You can’t enjoy wealth, If you aren’t good at health”

In order to have a good health, people should follow the healthy lifestyle. People who don’t follow lead to following disorders like diabetes, over weight, heart diseases, kidney problems and many more. An unhealthy body gets tired very faster than healthy body and tired body loses its self-confidence and motivation.

There are a variety of things that you can “slow down” your biological clock and live longer, whether you’re in 20s or 30s, all the way to 60s to 70s. Here are things not to do, if you want to live a longer and healthy life.

1- Quite Smoking:

Smoking causes early deaths. Smoking affects almost every organ of our body. Which includes Brain, Month, Eyes, Heart, lungs, stomach and hormones. Cigarette manufacturers spend billions of dollars every year to attract you and your children that smoking makes you athletic, attractive and sophisticated. They didn’t mention harmful effects of Nicotine and serious health risk involved. Research discovered that, quitting smoking, our body starts repairing almost immediately. And with proper nutrition, you can usually regain normal heart and lung functioning within few years, unless how long you’ve been smoking.

“Smokers don’t grow old, but die younger”.

smoking woman lying on stairway | blurbgeek

For further Information, may read Smoking Kills

2- Having Less Sleep:

There are many harmful effects of less sleep, such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity. It may cause memory loss as well. Heath experts refers people over 65, should try to get between 8 hours of sleep every night. If you consistently sleep less than six hours, you’re putting yourself at risk of unwanted health issues. Person takes longer to recover from illness. Less sleep may affect mood, judgement, learning ability and leads to increase risk of serious accidents and injuries.

“The night is hardest time to be alive and night dream knows all the secrets”.

Man sleeping on bed | Blurbgeek

3-Drinking less than 3 litre of water a day:

Water makes up 70% of the body and also maintains healthy weight, flush toxins, produces saliva, improves bowel function, fresh looking skin and optimal muscles performance. However, drinking less water leads to dehydration and adverse symptoms includes weakness, headache, dry skin and many more.

“Water is life Don’t waste it”

Water is helpful for saliva production and removes bacteria, it maintains healthy gems and teeth. However, less water causes bad breathing, Fatigue and poor skin health. It gives dryness, fine lines and sagging skin on face. If beauty product improves skin appearance while drinking more water achieve good appearance and reduce skin problems.

Glass of water | Blurbgeek

4-Staying too long in sunshine:

Staying too long results to premature aging in the skin, causes wrinkles and leads to skin cancer. Almost 90% of skin cancer appear in sun-exposed areas of the body. Sun exposure are dangerous for those with fair skin. Staying too long in sunshine results to sunburn, which is unpleasant and painful. Staying too long in sun can cause DNA damages in skin, causes skin cancer. Youth with maximum sunburns increases risk of melanoma.

Girl standing too long in sunshine | Blurbgeek

Treatment of sunburns:

  • Apply cool and damp compresses
  • Moisturize your skin
  • Drink more and more water
  • Don’t peel off skin too soon
  • Take proper medicine for sunburn symptoms

5-Exercise Daily:

People with regular exercise may live longer life than those who don’t. Exercises like running, cycling, body-workouts and Aerobic exercises. These exercises are helpful for healthier heart, control blood and sugar levels, keeps brain sharp, keeps healthier and stronger. We should have a 150 minutes of exercise in a week to keep ourselves healthy physically as well as mentally. We feel more energetic, if we’ve almost 300 minutes of exercise in a week. We should make a schedule to have almost 30 minutes of daily. We should also join gym for our body fitness.

Three girls doing exercises | Blurbgeek

Read Also: Reason: why sports are important for health


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