Is Juice Detoxification Good For You? Read To Know More


Have you ever wonder what kind of life be without fast food and yummy, spicy meals? Well a healthy kind, I guess. It’s true these foods and drinkable with artificial additives to enhance taste can cause a lot of damage to body, weight gain in one of them. Many diet methods are adopted just for the sake of losing weight. Juice Detoxification is also one of them. Have you ever heard of it? Well it’s a kind of diet still figuring its way to many who want to adopt a healthy lifestyle. To be fair, the diet is all about cleansing the body from toxins but the effects would be short term. After reading the article things will get clear “Whether, the Juice Detox Is a Good Option or Not”. Let’s get right to it.

What Did You Get From The Word “Detox” ?

Seemingly important and tempting process that involves the Purification of body. In detoxification the body cleanse herself from the toxins that has gathered overtime due to unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Liver acts a solider to do the job. The process is very beneficial in losing the weight. Sound good?

Detox diet mainly consists of natural food items. Plant- based products to be clear. Fruits and vegetables juices and salads.

Detox Equation
Detox Equation- Will help you realize the diet

Coming to the juice detox. It’s the consumption of fruit based juices and only juices with some necessary supplements. You’re getting the idea, right? Of course, it makes you go to the restroom. This is the point, it’s the same when your body ask for it except this time it would be 5-6 times a day. The process is very simple, yet important to understand. Detox neutralizes all the toxins by cunningly absorbing them from your blood. It’s makes your skin shine not only from outside but your insides also feel delightful.

Juice Detoxification
Carrot Juice for Detoxification

Detoxification involves many benefits for the body. It helps the body to recover from toxic damage and retains its core form. Your body feels heavenly after detoxification as it gives boost to muscles, stamina and energy levels. Some other benefits are,

  • Weight Loss (The most expected result)
  • Improves Digestions Process
  • Introduces Nutrients and Vitamins necessary for new cells growth
  • Boosts the Immune System

What Are Toxins In Body ?

The word toxin rather seems crazy then to make any sense. It related to poisonous things. Actually, Toxin is a poisonous substance produced within living cells or organisms. Some scientists, though, refer to toxins as they would any poison and call those toxins that have a living source “bio toxins” or “natural toxins”.

Toxins in human body
Toxins in human body

So, how come a sound minded person will take poison on its own to destroy himself? Most people don’t grasp precisely how toxins interact with human physiology and how long this has been a problem for humans. The answer simple, when you consume unhealthy things, breath in polluted environment or even feel stressed. The toxins somehow find their way to your body. Even your own body produce toxins like,

  • During Improper Metabolic Reactions
  • Emotional toxins
  • Intestinal Microbes

Because these toxins are within environment and even in food items so it is inevitable to avoid them. Then how do you know that you’re bulked up with toxins. Following are someways that could help you in this manner,

1. Not being able to remember things

It happens to all of us, well it’s satisfying to know that toxins are within all of us. Doesn’t it? But if its happening irregularly and constantly then it’s time to take some actions. Due to blockage of necessary nutrients, minerals and hormones to brain this toxin pile up can cause short term memory losses.

Trying to think | Blurbgeek
Trying to think

2. Constipation

Root of many bodily evils. Constipation is very bad for health. The toxic pile up due to the excessive use of fast foods or unhealthy food products disrupts your stomach and digestion system. Drying up necessary water in solid waste and causes blockage. This condition is very drastic as if the toxins pile up remains in the body for longer times it cause swelling and allergic reactions.

Constipation | Blurbgeek

3. Experience of Physical Aches And Pains

Feeling run down and having aching joints and muscles are all symptoms associated with a toxin overload.

Dr. Nesheiwat

When you depend too much on the ready to go meal, you’re just making it worse for yourself to recover from the loss. The additives and preservatives added in these foods cause toxin build-up in the body. Eventually, these toxins causes inflammation in muscle joints and aches and pains the whole body.

Headache and Pain | Blurbgeek
Headache and Pain

4. Noticeable Increase In Skin Issues

“Skin is the largest organ in the body and can expose your entire body to penetration of toxins.”

Dr.Yazdani | Famous Skin Specialist

Artificial beauty products and cosmetics like shampoo, lotion, soaps and face wash etc. make direct contact with the body. With this direct exposure the toxins made their way in the skin and cause allergic reactions. Exposure to toxins can cause symptoms such as acne, rashes, puffy eyes and eczema, among others.

Skin Issues | Blurbgeek
Skin Issues

The exposure to such chemicals and toxins is inevitable as you have to consume these products for other benefits. To live a toxin free is a fool’s paradise but you can lower the toxins in your system by certain methods. Juice Detoxification is one of them.

Are Juice Detoxes Really Effective ?

Detoxification or detox cleansing is a promising method to get rid of toxins from the body. But before deciding whether it is effective or not, let’s have a look at some beneficial aspects of this diet along with some cons.

Beneficial Aspects

Juice detox helps in,

Losing extra fat from the body

Weight loss is relative term. It depends on how much you consume in a day. You can lose weight if you consume just about 1000 calories in a day. This much will automatic trigger the body reflexes to use the pre-stored calories in the body and pull power from the glycogen. Juice cleansing does the same with your body. When your diet mainly includes juices only, then it would become compulsory for the body to draw out pre-stored energy and as a result you will lose weight more quickly.

Enhancing metabolism

Fruit juices contains essential vitamins including vitamin A, B1, B2, B6 and C moreover, these natural delicious food items contain necessary minerals that help in enhancing your metabolism reactions. As a result, food is digested faster and with proper breakdown. This will automatically allow the body to flush out toxins more quickly than regular flush rate.

Booting Immune System

Nutrients in fruit juices make the natural defense system of body all the more efficient. Increase in immunity allows the body to fight well against foreign elements. As a result, you remain safe from various diseases caused by toxins.

Energy boost up

Fruits are natural energy reserves of the nature. Load with essential health supplements a detox diet can help a lot in booting up the energy levels of the body. You feel energetic and excited all the times. Feel less dizzy and laziness don’t interrupt your workout routine. In short, it feels like fresh start when you wake up every morning.

Glowing and clear skin

Toxins pile up cause several skin infections and skin allergies. While you’re on detoxification your body kick out these toxins help your skin to make a new start. I put it simply, you reborn like new person. Glowing and clear skin is really a result you can expect from juice detoxification.

Some Cons You Definitely Want To Consider

Well its safe to say that every good things comes with a bad aspect attached to it. Sometimes, you can see right through and sometime, it appears suddenly. Same is the case with juice detoxes. Let’s have a look at some of these cons,

Not a balanced diet

If you’re looking for a balanced diet plan to loss weight than juice detoxification is not for you. It lacks in proteins and carbohydrates. Supplying your body with nuts and green vegetables is also very essential during your Detox period. Please consult with your doctor for dietary supplements during this time.

Sodium deficient diet

Salt based diets are necessary to maintain low blood pressure. The people with hypertension issues may feel dizzy due to a lack of salt in their diet.

Diabetes risk

Mostly fruits are rich in sugar elements. If you choose diet plan including mostly fruit juices and vegetable shakes. You will doom yourself with diabetes in no time. If you have a measurable amount of low and a high amount of sugar in your body, you should avoid consuming fruit cleansing method of Detox, if you do not have any adverse effect of sugar, you can drink fruit juices.


There is also a very high chance of gaining back the weight you lose after you complete the Detox routine. This is because you will be back to your real lifestyle. If you want to Lose weight, you have to make changes in your day-to-day life increase awareness, and consume a healthy diet regularly. If you are suffering from obesity, there is a chance that juice cleansing works for you. Although it has been researched that chronic dieters are at a higher risk of being overweight. You could also need a substantial lifestyle change if you want to do something for your body. Juice cleansing comes with some side effects like it might keep you sleepy and tired. You also might seem to feel weak because of the lower calorie intake. If you do not intake enough amount of Carbohydrates, you might even go through a state called ketosis, which might make you feel drunk.

Also Read: Updated List Of Unhealthy Foods


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