Smoking Kills: Reasons Why You Should Quit Smoking


Smoking Kills: Quit it or die

Smoking causes illness and finally death earlier than other drugs. The smoking habit kills half of its users. Smoking kills more than 8 million people per year. Around 83% of the Smokers live in low or middle developed countries. About 70% of the death are as a result of direct tobacco, alcohol and other drugs. Those who smokes throughout their life, will die on average 10 years earlier than who don’t smoke.

Smoking Kills half of its convicts | Blurbgeek
Smoking Kills half of its convicts | Blurbgeek

Restrictions on the following Places:

  • Indoor Workplaces
Smoking convicts in all ages | Blurbgeek
Smoking convicts in all ages | Blurbgeek
  • Enclosed cafes and restaurants
Smokers go to smoking cafes | Blurbgeek
Smokers go to smoking cafes | Blurbgeek
  • In Automobile, carrying teenage children.
Smoking not only effects you but also you surroundings | Blurbgeek
Smoking not only effects you but also you surroundings | Blurbgeek
  • Licensed club
Girls also smoke Nowadays | Blurbgeek
Girls also smoke Nowadays | Blurbgeek
  • within 10 metres of children playing equipment
Don't smoke in front of children | Blurbgeek
Don’t smoke in front of children | Blurbgeek
  • Patrolled beaches
People don't see smoking as a bad thing, they enjoys | Blurbgeek
People don’t see smoking as a bad thing, they enjoys | Blurbgeek
  • Music or Dance events
Smokers exists everywhere in bars, roads | Blurbgeek
Smokers exists everywhere in bars, roads | Blurbgeek
  • Courts or Police stations
No laws and regulations controlling growth of smokers | Blurbgeek
No laws and regulations controlling growth of smokers | Blurbgeek
  • All bus shelters or train stations
Smoking in public places causes more problems, smoking kills | Blurbgeek
Smoking in public places causes more problems, smoking kills | Blurbgeek

Chemicals use in Tobacco Smoke :

Tobacco smoke contain more than 6,000 chemicals which are,

  • tar – mixture of chemicals
  • nicotine – an enslaving substance
  • carbon monoxide – found in Auto exhaust
  • ammonia – use in floor cleaners
  • arsenic – Ant poison

Almost 70 of tobacco chemicals are famous to cause cancer.

Smoking causes cancer of lungs, throat, nose, mouth, liver, stomach, bladder, voice box, oesophagus and many more…

Tobacco smoke also causes heart disease, emphysema and stroke.

Nicotine Withdrawal

Nicotine occurs in tobacco plants. It is the drug that make people regular smoking. Heroin and Nicotine are very addictive drugs. When people start smoking regularly, their bodies become habitual and needs a regular dose.

“Smoker do not grow old… but die younger”.

Withdrawal can bring emotional and physical changes which includes:

  • Restlessness
  • Difficulty in concentration
  • modification in sleeping patterns
  • carvings
  • raise in appetite
  • weight gain

Withdrawal symptoms in which body is recovering and getting used to living without nicotine.

Diseases that Smoking causes | Smoking Kills

Smoking kill you, but before you die, you experience various diseases that causes you death. Here are some diseases that are caused by smoking:

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

One who smokes should be ready to die soon | Blurbgeek
One who smokes should be ready to die soon | Blurbgeek

COPD is lungs disease that makes hard to breathe. That causes early deaths and long-term disabilities. COPD starts by making hard to be active, such as difficulty in climbing the short stairs or even walking to get meal could be difficult. It leaves people stuck in home and unable to do anything even unable to spent their times with their friends and family. About 90% of the COPD is caused by smoking. COPD on higher level leads to death.

Heart Disease

Want to quit smoking talk to a Doctor | Blurbgeek
Want to quit smoking talk to a Doctor | Blurbgeek

Smoking harms almost every organ of the body and more importantly heart. Smoking causes blockages and narrows the arteries. Which means less blood circulation and less oxygen flow to the heart. Most of the Heart diseases are to the smoker who are regular smoker and leads to death, when not provided proper mediation.

Lung Cancer

Smoking kills, it effects lungs | Blurbgeek
Smoking kills, it effects lungs | Blurbgeek

Many people die due to lung cancer than any other type of cancer. Smoking has the direct affect on Lungs. Due to which it causes lungs cancer. Your chance of being alive not more than 5 years after proper diagnoses is less than 1 in 5.

Lung cancer typically doesn’t cause any sign in earliest stage. It symptoms occurs when it is in higher level. following are the symptoms of lung cancer.

  • Continuous Coughing with blood
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Losing weight without any workout
  • Headache


Smoking Causes Asthma and other diseases | Blurbgeek
Smoking Causes Asthma and other diseases | Blurbgeek

Asthma is chronic lung disease that make hard in breathing in and out of the lungs. Smoking interrupts air passage, it triggers and Asthma Attacks. This is caused by smoking.

Asthma Treatment :


Record symptoms, which helps you recognize when to make treatment adjustment according to asthma plans.

  • Difficulty in breathe or sound enables when exhales
  • Cheat Pain
  • Modification in sleep
  • Change during exercises
  • Changes in color of phlegm when cough

Record how well are lungs working

There are two main lungs function test

Adjust Meditation according to asthma plan

When Lungs are not working properly, they may need to have meditation. As you have record the Lungs and knows how to make adjustment.

Reproductive Effects on women

A pregnant woman should not smoke at all | Blurbgeek
A pregnant woman should not smoke at all | Blurbgeek

Smoking causes ectopic pregnancy in women. Which is when fertilized egg implants somewhere other than Uterus. Egg Cell can’t survive and remain untreated, can be life endanger for the mother. Smoking also causes reduced fertility, meaning it makes makes it more uncomfortable to get pregnant.

Weak Babies:

Smoking not only kills people but it also effects their of springs | Blurbgeek
Smoking not only kills people but it also effects their of springs | Blurbgeek

It doesn’t cause effect on mom’s health but also on her baby. Smoking while pregnant causes premature birth or weak baby birth. Babies born before time or weak have increased risk of health and even cause death.


Smoking Causes sugar Problems | Blurbgeek
Smoking Causes sugar Problems | Blurbgeek

If you smoke, you have type 2 diabetes. Additionally, Smoking increases risk of complications diagnoses with diabetes such as heart and kidney disease, low blood flow to lower part of body like legs and feet, nerve damage and sometime blindness.

Smoking makes to old and also blind

Smoking decrease age length | Blurbgeek
Smoking decrease age length | Blurbgeek

It makes you old before age and also blind. It also have effect on the eyes and can result in vision loss. Age related Macular degeneration is caused by smoking.It causes blindness in adult ages like 60 and older.

Manage to Quit Smoke

when you decides to quit smoke then Congratulations. First day without smoking may be difficult for you. Here are the following steps to handle smoking and make you confidence about your decision.

Stay Busy

Staying busy is the great way to stay smoke-free whole day. Being busy in anything helps you to keep your mind off smoking. Following are the activities that keep you busy:

  • Go for the walk
  • Do exercises
  • Keeping the hands busy in writing or playing the game
  • Drinks lot of water
  • Relaxing with deep breath
  • Go for the movie
  • Spending time with family or non smokers friends

Stick to your Plan

It helps to stay focused, confident and motivated to quit. If you haven’t made plans, it’s not to late. Be honest to yourself.

Avoid Smoking Triggers

Trigger are set off your urge to smoke. on your quit day , try to avoid smoking triggers. Here are some tips to overcome some common smoking triggers:

  • Throw all your smoking accessories
  • Avoid caffeine and try to drink water as much as you can
  • Spend many time with non-smokers and family
  • Take maximum rest and eat healthy.
  • Modification in routine.

Stay Positive

Stay positive with your decision. Try not to think of quitting smoking forever. Pay attention to today and good for the future. It helps to stay positive.

“Life is in your hands, you make it what you choose”.

Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Smoking is such harmful habit that can leads to health complication and death. When person quits smoking, that body starts healing and regain the vitality of non-smoker over time.

Some effects like lowered blood pressure has been seen immediately. Other effects like lung cancer, heart disease and lung cancer takes years to drop down to level of Non-smokers.

However make the decision of quitting smoking, leads to better and healthy life. I have seen many examples of my friends that quit smoking on their extreme level. but now they are enjoying healthy life.

Also Read: Stress Relief simple Activities


  1. Hi, the Smoking Kills: Reasons Why You Should Quit
    Smoking is very good, congratulations to’ authors.
    Love yourself and be happy! 🙂 Kisses!


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