Hijab and Muslim Women
The piece of cloth or headscarf that is used by women to cover their head is termed as hijab. Hijab is the dignity of a Muslim woman. Hijab is practiced by Muslim Women to maintain the standards of modesty.
Origin Of Hijab
“Hijab” is an Arabic word which means hide of view. Islam put stress on hijab or veil of women. The word hijab holds variety of meaning like hide cover or shelter. In Islam hijab is referred to full modest dress. The word for hijab used in Quran is KHIMAR Hijab is a sign of modesty privacy or morality.

Misconceptions about Hijab
Some non Muslims created many MISCONCEPTION about hijab. One of them is that Muslim women are forced to wear hijab another MISCONCEPTION is that hijab is hot or restricted Here. I will try to present the correct concept of hijab in Islam. I also wanna mention that hijab is not restricted to specific cloth or color. The culture that promote nakedness, take people near to the culture of animals.
Concept of Hijab for Muslim Women
Purpose of hijab to cover the body or hairs In Islam woman means “Fully covered” that is why to carry hijab is compulsory for a Muslim lady it increases her dignity an honor. In Surah Nisa concept of hijab is clearly mentioned.
Proper hijab is the one that includes face veil. By wearing hijab we are guarding our modesty and respecting yourself.
Prophet Muhammad (S W A) preferred that Muslim men or women wear two layers of clothing. Proper dress of a Muslim girl should fulfill four conditions. Her dress should not be tight, Her dress must not reveal her body shape, clothing should not similar with clothing of men and her dress should not be sheer. In Quran term used for Muslim ladies are SALIHAT, MUSLIMAT and MOMINAT. These terms are used for those ladies who followed the command of Almighty Allah, hijab is one of thees commands of Allah.
Meaning of Hijab
Hijab means hidden completely from so that men are not attracted toward them. A Muslim lady do not goes to extremes of her beauty but it doesn’t mean that she could not wear a good dress or jewelry. In-fact our Allah loves beauty and a Muslim woman should always be neat clean and beautiful. All beauty of a Muslim lady is for her MEHRAM ( soul mate, husband) she can wear a color full dress can use beauty products that give her polished look for the purpose of being a wonderful example of a Muslim lady. In short she can feel uplifted in presented herself this way.

Real Meaning of Hijab
The word Hijab is the combination of 5 alphabets these 5 alphabets can be explained as,
- H for headscarf
- I for intentions
- J for jibab
- A for Attire
- B for beauty ( internal pr
- external)
Its Jilbab not Jibab Importance of hijab in the life of a lady. Hijab is not only for Muslim community but it also advantageous for non-Muslim girls in following ways,
- Hijab makes them save from the lustful looks of men
- Help in improving the moral characters of society
- Increase the dignity and honor of a lady
- Not became a sexual victim or commodity
- Wearing Hijab takes women from the lusty traps of western FASHION and maladies.
Beauty is meant to appreciate but only for husband the lady who really loves her husband and loyal to her husband never never wished to be seen in public place without hijab she
never wished to make herself a show piece.
Hijab In Islam
Islam gives great importance to women Islam give importance to women as a daughter as a mother as a wife as a sister. Islam gifted her with a specific dress in order to maintain her dignity or preserve her personality against loss or lusty world. In this way Islam protect the purity of a woman and close the way to any action which might exploit and lead her to marshes of vice and a foolish or a useless life.
Following are the verses and narrations which address women clothing in our religion.
In Surah-An-Nur Allah Almighty said:
And say to the faithful women to lower their gaze, and guard to their private parts,and not to display their beauty except what is apparent of it, and to extend their head coverings to cover their bosoms, and not to display their beauty except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband’s father , or their sons, or their brothers or their brother’s sons, or their sister’s sons or their womenfolk or the small children to whom the nakedness of a woman is not apparent. ( Surah An Nur- verse no :31 )
In surah Al Ahzab Allah Azavjal said:
O! Prophet say to your wives and your daughters and the women of the faithful to draw their outer garments close around to themselves; that is better that they will recognized and not annoyed. And God is ever Forgiving and Gentle. (Surah Al Ahzab- verse no:59)
Narate Aisha ,Ummal Mu’minin, “Saffiyah, daughter of shaybah, said that Aisha mentioned the women to Ansar, praised them,and said good words about them”
and then said,
“When Surah An Nur comes down,they took the curtains, tore them , and made Head covers of them” (Sunan Abu Dawud, book :23 number 4089)
Narrated Hazrat Aisha, Ummul Mu’minin,
“The prophet said: Allah does not accept the prayer of a woman who had reached puberty unless she wear a veil” ( Sunan Abu Dawud )
Narrated Safiya bint e Shaiba: Hazrat Aisha used to say:
“They should drawn their veils ( khumur) over their neck and bosoms (juyyub) was revealed, the ladies cut their waist sheets at the edges and cover their face with the cut pieces” ( Sahi Al bukhari )
Disadvantage of discarding Hijab
- Becoming an easy target to lusty world.
- Causing insecurity in minds of husband.
- Disturbance of familiar harmony.
- Create immorality in society.
- Increase chances of rape or illegal births by involving in sexual activities.
- Fall down from the standards of dignity and honor.
- Disobeying the commands of Allah.
Hijab is a mean of honor and identification for a Muslim lady Hijab is a source of protection for a lady women considered it as a symbol of respect not as a symbol of oppression while many secularists and feminist in particular oppose the hijab because they believe it to be a form of religious expression. Muslim should strictly follow the sayings of Islam they should not disobey the Islamic golden principles. A woman when step out of her house came in this atrocious world where animals in face of a human ever ready to snatch her honor and her dignity to satisfy her lust.
Hijab keep her safe
To save herself from such type of beast she should cover herself with plain and simple ABBAYAS so that strangers are not attracted to her She should not reveal her body or bosoms for this purpose always use a loose dress. Some people find this oppression but according to me revealing ones beauty or attracting and inviting the strange around to snatch your beauty is not oppression but “Something else”.

In Islam women’s beauty or dignity is so valuable that it is not for displaying at public places. This beauty is exclusively for her husband. Islam doesn’t says to wear hijab at home or cover herself at home while at house “women is the queen of her house” and she could wear and dress up the way she wants. But I would say that she Should be a proud of her father and she should be a honor of her brothers and she should be an example for her sisters or other Muslim ladies Hijab is the order from the Lord and being a Muslim it is our duty to merely follow the golden laws of Islam.
Deep Meaning of Hijab
Hijab means also the hijab from NAFAS Hijab from desires that take away from the teachings of Islam. It Protect our minds from lusty wishers that makes our soul disturb and distract us from our religion and also from the things whose desire disobeyed us from the Commands of Allah.
Why Every Muslim Lady Should Wear Hijab
Hijab gives a sense of freedom confidence or authority to a woman. Hijab gives a feeling of freedom confidence and authority to a woman that a non believer can never feel. It gives the sense of being special , sense of being the center of many lives. Muslim and many other people think that Hijab is only head covering but in boarded way hijab also some other meaning.
Hijab is not an external thing, In short hijab is an attitude, it’s the power if a Muslim lady. It is the way of obedience of Allah’s command it’s the way of showing our love with Allah. The attitude that is associated with Hijab is modesty if you are wearing. Hijab but laughing and talking frankly with Na-Mehram men them there is no meaning of Hijab.
Also read our Article: Relationships
Good work
“Hijab” is an Arabic word which means hide of view. Islam put stress on hijab or veil of women. The word hijab holds variety of meaning like hide cover or shelter. In Islam hijab is referred to full modest dress. The word for hijab used in Quran is KHIMAR Hijab is a sign of modesty privacy or morality. And respecting yourself. [I argue it disrespects yourself and reverse objectifies you ie you are an sexual object to, you are now a non sexual OBJECT – you are still an object, yay!]
Why doesnt your religion teach men how to not be “animals” that rely on lust? Why is your religion based on fear (fear of the woman being abused), instead of calling on your brothers to STEP UP and not step down. Men should step up and be accountable and respect women in their houses AND outside their houses! Men should respect women no matter what they wear. NO BODY DESERVES TO BE RAPED BECAUSE OF HOW THEY ARE DRESSED. Honestly if you believe they do, you really take humanity back to being primitive and animalistic (exactly the kind of men you were saying women should avoid!!!)
” A Muslim lady do not goes to extremes of her beauty but it doesn’t mean that she could not wear a good dress or jewelry. In-fact our Allah loves beauty and a Muslim woman should always be neat clean and beautiful.”
So women should be beautiful but not too attractive that men cant help but sexually abuse them. What a precarious line to cross when you can’t even see the line clearly… It seems you like keeping women confused on their toes, damned if they do, damned if they don’t. So this way, whatever happens to the woman is their fault and the man was helpless and not at fault. Where is the finger to point at the man when all the fingers point at the women trying to survive in this oppression?
“Allah does not accept the prayer of a woman who had reached puberty unless she wear a veil”
That’s great, so her prayers are not answered and she is voiceless too. WHY would anyone want to pray to such a merciless figure then????
Honestly you are so brainwashed. I wish you real wisdom and peace.
Under consideration!
I got what you mean ,saved to bookmarks, very decent website .
Very Good stuff!