100+ Guest Posting Sites List with DA 50 or less.


Before getting to the Guest Posting Sites List With DA less than 50, let’s first talk about what is “Guest Post” and How you can search Guest Posts on Google.

Importance of Guest Posting

You don’t have to be a nerd or genius in order to understand guest posting. It’s just a term, when you write blog/post for other websites to promote your work and get backlinks to your websites. It can also be used to advertise your business and services.

There are many websites on the web for which you can write guest posts but to choose from them are very hectic. Also, if you’re just starting, you probably won’t get a chance to publish your work that easy. Especially, on the sites with High Domain Authority. So, sit back and relax, this article is all about making you understand about guest posting, and I am sure, the provided list will be helpful to determine which site will be suited for you to start.

We are also proving chance to quality writes to write Guest Post for us. “Write For Us” and get permanent Do-Follow Backlinks.

How To Search For Guest Posting sites list On Google?

It can be done in many ways, but we have developed a list of keywords which are very common. Just have a look at it,

Your Keyword “guest post”Your Keyword “submit press release”
Your Keyword “write for us”Your Keyword “become a guest blogger”
Your Keyword “guest article”Your Keyword “guest blogger”
Your Keyword “this is a guest post by”Your Keyword “guest posts wanted”
Your Keyword “contributing writer”Your Keyword “looking for guest posts”
Your Keyword “want to write for”Your Keyword “guest posts wanted”
Your Keyword “submit blog post”Your Keyword “guest poster wanted”
Your Keyword “contribute to our site”Your Keyword “accepting guest posts”
Your Keyword “guest column”Your Keyword “writers wanted”
Your Keyword “submit content”Your Keyword “articles wanted”
Your Keyword “submit your content”Your Keyword “become an author”
Your Keyword “submit post”Your Keyword “become guest writer”
Your Keyword “This post was written by”Your Keyword “become a contributor”
Your Keyword “guest post courtesy of ”Your Keyword “submit guest post”
Your Keyword “guest posting guidelines”Your Keyword “submit an article”
Your Keyword “suggest a post”Your Keyword “submit article”
Your Keyword “submit an article”Your Keyword “guest author”
Your Keyword “contributor guidelines”Your Keyword “send a tip”
Your Keyword “contributing writer”Your Keyword inurl: “guest blogger”
Your Keyword “submit news”Your Keyword inurl: “guest post”
site:domain.com “submit a guest post”allintitle: Your Keyword + guest post
site:domain.com “guest post by”Health “guest post”
site:domain.com “contribute an article”Health “write for us”
site:domain.com “want to write”Health “guest article”
site:domain.com “submit your post”Health “this is a guest post by”
site:domain.com “become a contributor”Health “contributing writer”
site:domain.com “accepting gust posts”Health “want to write for”
Technology “guest post”Health “submit blog post”
Technology “write for us”Health “contribute to our site”
Technology “guest article”Health “guest column”
Technology “this is a guest post by”Health “submit content”
Technology “contributing writer”Health “submit your content”
Technology “want to write for”Health “submit post”
Technology “submit blog post”Health “This post was written by”
Technology “contribute to our site”Health “guest post courtesy of ”
Technology “guest column”Health “guest posting guidelines”
Technology “submit content”Health “suggest a post”
Technology “submit your content”Health “submit an article”
Technology “submit post”Health “contributor guidelines”
Technology “This post was written by”Health “contributing writer”
Technology “guest post courtesy of ”Health “submit news”
Technology “guest posting guidelines”Health “become a guest blogger”
Technology “suggest a post”Health “guest blogger
Technology “submit an article”Health “guest posts wanted”
Technology “contributor guidelines”Health “looking for guest posts”
Technology “contributing writer”Health “guest posts wanted”
Technology “submit news”Health “guest poster wanted”
Technology “become a guest blogger”Health “accepting guest posts”
Technology “guest bloggerHealth “writers wanted”
Technology “guest posts wanted”Health “articles wanted”
Technology “looking for guest posts”Health “become an author”
Technology “guest posts wanted”Health “become guest writer”
Technology “guest poster wanted”Health “become a contributor”
Technology “accepting guest posts”Health “submit guest post”
Technology “writers wanted”Health “submit an article”
Technology “articles wanted”Health “submit article”
Technology “become an author”Health “guest author”
Technology “become guest writer”Health “send a tip”
Technology “become a contributor”Health inurl: “guest blogger”
Technology “submit guest post”Health inurl: “guest post”
Technology “submit an article”Home Improvement “guest post”
Technology “submit article”Home Improvement “write for us”
Technology “guest author”Home Improvement “guest article”
Technology “send a tip”Home Improvement “this is a guest post by”
Technology inurl: “guest blogger”Home Improvement “contributing writer”
Technology inurl: “guest post”Home Improvement “want to write for”
LifeStyle “contribute to our site”Home Improvement “submit blog post”
LifeStyle “guest column”Home Improvement “contribute to our site”
LifeStyle “submit content”Home Improvement “guest column”
LifeStyle “submit your content”Home Improvement “submit content”
LifeStyle “submit post”Home Improvement “submit your content”
LifeStyle “This post was written by”Home Improvement “submit post”
LifeStyle “guest post courtesy of ”Home Improvement “This post was written by”
LifeStyle “guest posting guidelines”Home Improvement “guest post courtesy of ”
LifeStyle “suggest a post”Home Improvement “guest posting guidelines”
LifeStyle “submit an article”Home Improvement “suggest a post”
LifeStyle “contributor guidelines”Home Improvement “submit an article”
LifeStyle “contributing writer”Home Improvement “contributor guidelines”
LifeStyle “submit news”Home Improvement “contributing writer”
Fashion “guest post”Home Improvement “submit news”
Fashion “write for us”Home Improvement “become a guest blogger”
Fashion “guest article”Home Improvement “guest blogger
Fashion “this is a guest post by”Home Improvement “guest posts wanted”
Fashion “contributing writer”Home Improvement “looking for guest posts”
Fashion “want to write for”Home Improvement “guest posts wanted”
Fashion “submit blog post”Home Improvement “guest poster wanted”
Fashion “contribute to our site”Home Improvement “accepting guest posts”
Fashion “guest column”Home Improvement “writers wanted”
Fashion “submit content”Home Improvement “articles wanted”
Fashion “submit your content”Home Improvement “become an author”
Fashion “submit post”Home Improvement “become guest writer”
Travel “guest post”Home Improvement “become a contributor”
Travel “write for us”Home Improvement “submit guest post”
Travel “guest article”Home Improvement “submit an article”
Travel “this is a guest post by”Home Improvement “submit article”
Travel “contributing writer”Home Improvement “guest author”
Travel “want to write for”Home Improvement “send a tip”
Travel “submit blog post”Home Improvement inurl: “guest blogger”
Travel “contribute to our site”Home Improvement inurl: “guest post”
Travel “guest column”LifeStyle “guest post”
Finance “guest post”LifeStyle “write for us”
Finance “write for us”LifeStyle “guest article”
Finance “guest article”LifeStyle “this is a guest post by”
Finance “this is a guest post by”LifeStyle “contributing writer”
Finance “contributing writer”LifeStyle “want to write for”
Finance “want to write for”LifeStyle “submit blog post”
Finance “submit blog post”Law “guest post”
Finance “contribute to our site”Law “write for us”
Finance “guest column”Law “guest article”
Finance “submit content”Law “this is a guest post by”
Finance “submit your content”Law “contributing writer”
Finance “submit post”Law “want to write for”
Education “guest post”Law “submit blog post”
Education “write for us”Law “contribute to our site”
Education “guest article”Law “guest column”
Education “this is a guest post by”Law “submit content”
Education “contributing writer”Law “submit your content”
Education “want to write for”Law “submit post”
Education “submit blog post”Business “guest post”
Education “contribute to our site”Business “write for us”
Education “guest column”Business “guest article”
Education “submit content”Business “this is a guest post by”
Education “submit your content”Business “contributing writer”
Education “submit post”Business “want to write for”
Insurance “write for us”Business “submit blog post”
Insurance “guest article”Business “contribute to our site”
Insurance “this is a guest post by”Business “guest column”
Insurance “contributing writer”Business “submit content”
Insurance “want to write for”Business “submit your content”
Insurance “submit blog post”Business “submit post”
Insurance “contribute to our site”Shopping “guest post”
Insurance “guest column”Shopping “write for us”
Insurance “submit content”Shopping “guest article”
Insurance “submit your content”Shopping “this is a guest post by”
Insurance “submit post”Shopping “contributing writer”
Food “guest post”Shopping “want to write for”
Food “write for us”Shopping “submit blog post”
Food “guest article”Shopping “contribute to our site”
Food “this is a guest post by”Shopping “guest column”
Food “contributing writer”Shopping “submit content”
Food “want to write for”Shopping “submit your content”
Food “submit blog post”Shopping “submit post”
Food “contribute to our site”Real Estate “guest post”
Food “guest column”Real Estate “write for us”
Food “submit content”Real Estate “guest article”
Food “submit your content”Real Estate “this is a guest post by”
Food “submit post”Real Estate “contributing writer”
AdvertiseReal Estate “want to write for”
Advertise hereReal Estate “submit blog post”
Media kitReal Estate “contribute to our site”
Advertising infoReal Estate “guest column”
AdvertisingReal Estate “submit content”
AdvertisersReal Estate “submit your content”
Your banner hereReal Estate “submit post”
Advertise on this siteAdvertise with us

Guest Posting and SEO

Do you know? If you have had started your websites 8-10 years ago, You would not have to think about SEO and Marketing your website. It would have gone viral in no time. But, the story is different today, With thousands of website competing today for ranking. You have to present Google with something that has been published before. So, Yes! SEO it still very much popular for your website to be ranked by Google.

Guest Posts Are Important For SEO | Blurbgeek

Guest Posts with good SEO can bring a lot of traffic to your website and it has great chances to get ranked more quickly. But, in order to do that, your articles should be appealing and SEO friendly.

Best Guest Posting Sites List

Following are the lists of Guest Posting Sites List With DA less than 50, if you met their writing criteria,

Marketing Blogs – Guest Posting Sites List

Twelve Skip48Guidelines
Web Analytics47Link
Healthcare Success44Guidelines
Lilach Bullock43Guidelines
Complete Connection41Link
Brand Driven Digital40Guidelines
Jayson Online Reviews38Link
Dealer Marketing37Link
Reputation X36Guidelines
Tom Altman35Guidelines
Digital Branding Institute31Link
Strategy Driven30Guidelines
The Marketing Scope29Link
Who Is Easy29Link
Voy Media28Guidelines
99 Signals26Link
Opportunities Planet26Guidelines
Marketing Blogs Guest Post

Social Media Blogs List

Social Media Revolver42Link
Hot In Social Media40Guidelines
Social Media Impact38Guidelines
Social Media Sun35Link
Social Media Guest Post

Business Blogs List

Home Business Mag50Guidelines
Women on Business49Guidelines
Success As You Own Boss49Link
Grow Map49Guidelines
I am Wire45Guidelines
Organized Assistant44Link
SMB CEO42Guidelines
Small Business bonfire40Guidelines
A Better Lemonade Stand37Link
425 Business36Link
Business First Family36Guidelines
Michael Hartzell30Guidelines
Geek Business27Link
Red Cup Agency24Link
Guest Posting in Business Blogs

Technology Blogs List

I Love free Software48Guidelines
Hypergrid Business48Guidelines
I am Wire45Link
Geek Estate43Guidelines
Dragon Blogger42Guidelines
Making Different42Link
Technically Easy40Link
Tech Walls37Guidelines
Blog Solute35Link
Tech Sling35Link
Calling All Geeks31Guidelines
Start-Up Dope29Guidelines
Digital Business Hub22Guidelines
List of Technology Blogs

Gaming Blogs List

Game Skinny48Guidelines
Gnome Stew44Guidelines
NZ Gamer42Link
Source gaming30Link
Retro Nuke26Link
Sirus Gaming26Link
Gaming Debugged24Guidelines
Gaming Blog List

Food Blogs List

Blissfully Domestic49Link
Eat Drink Better49Link
So Good Blog47Guidelines
The Master Cleanse44Guidelines
Life as a Plate37Link
Scottish Mum35Guidelines
Cooking Detectives34Guidelines
The FoodXP33Guidelines
List of Food Blogs

Lifestyle Blog Website

Living Rich With Coupons50Guidelines
Midlife Boulevard48Guidelines
Bargain Briana48Link
Heavenly Savings40Link
Mooky Chick40Guidelines
List for Lifestyle Blog

Fashion Blogs List

PR Couture45Guidelines
Beauty and Fashion Tech44Guidelines
Focus and Style43Link
Inside Out Style42Link
Beauty and Grooming Tips31Guidelines
Sweet Style Blog28Link
List of Fashion Website

Family Blogs

Our Family World50Guidelines
3 Boys and a Dog48Link
Hello Bee45Guidelines
My Kid Time44Guidelines
Ah Now44Link
Living Well Mom44Link
Parenting Squad41Link
Mom Fuse40Link
Untrained Housewives38Guidelines
Lose The Cape33Link
Greats Moment In Parenting33Link
My Pregnancy Baby23Guidelines
List of Family Blog Sites

Heath and Fitness Blog

The Master Cleanse44Guidelines
The Alternative Daily43Guidelines
Weight Loss Triumph37Link
Life for Life37Link
Health Resource 4U34Guidelines
Hive Health Media34Guidelines
Girl get Strong33Link
Health on a budget32Link
Active Lifestyle Woman26Guidelines
List of Health and Fitness Blogs

Above mentioned are the Top Guest Posting Sites List with DA less than 50. We are also proving chance to quality writers to write Guest Post for us. “Write For Us” and get permanent Do-Follow Backlinks.

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  1. I am also a Blogger and found this content very interesting. This list is amazing and I am gonna try at least 50 of these sites. Definitely sharing it with my buddies. Good Job!


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