Stress Relief Activities: How to Relieve Stress Quickly


Stress Relief Activities

Stress is body’s reaction to any change that requires adjustment or modification. There are many Stress Relief Activities, you can do at home. The body adjust physically and mentally due to stress level. However, stress is the part of life. we all experience stress in every field of life. This is upon us, how we handle it.

“It’s not the load that breaks you, it’s upon you to carry it”


Allah designed our body to experience stress and reacts to it. Stress keeps us alert, motivated and make us ready to react with danger. Stress becomes negative when persons faces continuous challenges without relaxation or without thinking about it. As a result, person becomes overworked and stress tension builds. Our body’s nervous system has built-in stress response that causes physiological changes to allow the body to adjust stressful situation.Allah blessed as with Stress response is also called as ” fight or flight response ” is activated in case of emergency. However, this response becomes chronically activated during prolonged periods of stress. Prolonged activation of stress response causes wear and tear on the body.

A man sitting in his office with excessive stress on him | Blurbgeek
A man sitting in his office with excessive stress on him | Blurbgeek

Warning Signs of Stress

Stress can overuse the body’s natural defenses, leading to various physical symptoms, which are the following:

  • Aches of pains
  • Headaches
  • Muscles tension in body parts
  • Tiredness and exhaustion
  • Sexual Difficulties

Relief Stress Quickly | Stress Relief Activities

There are many techniques for complicating the all above warning signs of stress. Activities like Yoga, mindfulness meditation and sports exercises are the few examples of stress relief activities. In case of high pressured job interviews, you can’t just excuse yourself to meditate or take time for long walk. In Situation, you need more immediate and accessible.

Firstly, stress is to engage one or more of your senses – sight, taste, sound, smell, touch or through movement. Since every technique is different, so you should need to do some experimenting to discover which techniques works properly.

A happy man standing in-front of the wall | Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek
A happy man standing in-front of the wall | Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek

Talking face to face to relaxed and caring friend can help you quickly calm down and release tension. Although we can’t always have a pal to lean on in the middle of stressful situation, maintaining bond of close relationships is vital for mental health. Between stress man and good listeners, you’ll have bases covered.

Recognize when we are stressed

It is obvious that we all know that when we’re stressed but many of us spend much time in knockout state that we’ve forgotten what it feels like when our nervous system is in balance: When we’re clam yet still we are alert or focused. When we’re tired, our eyes feel heavy and resting your head on your arm. When you are happy, you laugh. And you are stressed, get in habit of paying attention to your body’s clues.

  • Observe breath
  • Observe insides and muscles

Identify Stress Response

Internally, we all responds the stress “fight or flight”. Our blood pressure rises and heart pumps faster. Body works hard and drains our immune system. However, People response to stress differently.

Best way of relieve stress relates to specific stress response:

  • Hyper Stress Response: If under stressed or angry, you’ll respond best to stress relief activities that calm you down.
  • Unexcited Stress Response: if we’re depressed, we’ll respond best to stress relief activities that are energizing.

Practice yourself wherever you are

“For things we’ve to learn before we can do them, we learn by PRACTICING them”


Stress Relief Activities in Home

Person massaging the old man's shoulder - Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek
Person massaging the old man’s shoulder – Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek
  • Entertaining: May attend the parties, listen music, spending time with your friends and family and wear clothes that feels relaxed and comfortable.
  • Children: Spend quality time with family, friends and children make you relax.
  • Sleep: give maximum time to sleep, can relief stress.
  • Create a sanctuary: Display photos and images that make you happy. open curtains and let natural light comes in.

Stress relief at work place

Manager of company relaxing in office - Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek
Manager of company relaxing in office – Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek
  • In Meeting: During Stress session, stay connected to breath. Massage tips to fingers, take tea.
  • On Computer: Inhale energizing something like lime, ginger or cup of tea. Take calls outside when possible.
  • Lunch Break: Take a walk towards the friends, listen to light music while eating.

Activities for Stress Relievers:

Guided Imagery for relaxation:

Girl relaxing on waterfront raft - Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek
Girl relaxing on waterfront raft – Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek

Guided imagery is imagining short vocation in the mind. Imagining yourself in your happy place like sitting on beach, siting on mountain height and feeling fresh air.

Guided imagery can be done with recording in mind when listening to someone walk you through peaceful scene. Initially you practice, then you do it on your own. Simply close your eyes for a minute and imagining yourself through peaceful scene. Think all your favorite place you visited or need to visit. After that open your eyes and return to present moment.

Get Hug from loved ones

Man hugging with his wife - Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek
Man hugging with his wife – Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek

Physical touch can do lot of stress relieve. Hugging the special one are more beneficial.

Oxytocin also causes reduction in blood pressure. It reduces stress hormone and produces sense of relaxation.

So, don’t feel shy to ask a loved one for hug if you need it. It would be beneficial of both of you and it would be one simplest forms of stress relief.

“Sometime all you need is a hug with sincere friend and all your stress will melt away”.


Create Artwork:

Animated Art of sea wave - Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek
Animated Art of sea wave – Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek

Art is good method for stress relief. Getting in touch with creative side may have been easy, but if you’ve lost in touch with artwork, it’s not to late to pick it up again.

If you aren’t into drawing or painting, consider coloring in sketch books. Adult coloring books have risen in popularity and for the reason earn money. Coloring can be great stress reliever.

“Art speaks where words are unable to explain”.

Abdul Hanan Sadi

Leisure Activities :

A man playing chess in leisure with his friend - Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek
A man playing chess in leisure with his friend – Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek

Leisure Activities can be good way to relieve stress. Yet, many people feels as though their lives are too busy for hobbies, or achieving their aim.

But scheduling time for leisure could be key to helping you feel relax. And feels better, that concludes to perform better which means that leisure time may make time more efficient.

Whether, you find joy in garden or spending time with pets. leisure are key to living your best life.

“Life of leisure and life of laziness are two different things”.


Develop a positive self – talk habits

“amount of your efforts will determine the amount of the rewards”.


The way we talk with our self. Self doubt, catastrophic prediction aren’t helpful. If you’re constantly imagining that “I Don’t have time for this” and “I Can’t do this” you’ll stress yourself out.

Positive self talk helps a healthier outlook. And compassionate conversion helps to maintain emotions and take positive actions.

Practicing Yoga:

A girl going yoga - Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek
A girl going yoga – Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek

Yoga combines physical movements, exercise and control breathing. All above produce better stress relief.

While you’re likely to reap immediate benefits from single yoga session. from this get long term benefits if incorporate it into life in continuous way.

Yoga offers variety of mental, physical, psychological and spiritual benefits. to get started, you need to enroll online for yoga practicing.

Strategies that Engages Problem Focused:

Most stress relievers are controlling on emotions. But Sometime, we won’t get relief until change of environment requires.

This referred to problem-focused (emotion focus). Problem focused involves taking steps to remove stress form life.

Watching funny videos:

If goofing isn’t working try watching funny videos. laughter reduce the physical effects of stress while boosting creativity and productivity tool.

Dance like nobody’s watching:

You are not always home alone but convince your family members to join in on fun challenge your kids or significant other to dance off and create routine that perform in your room. If you’d like to do something less formal, play favorite song on playlist and start moving and grooving. Once endorphins enters kicks in, you’ll feel better after the time. when mind feels fresh the body reacts good.

Enjoy Aromatherapy:

White and Purple flower plant on floor - Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek
White and Purple flower plant on floor – Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek

Aromatherapy has great benefits for stress relieve. It helps to feel energized, relaxed or fresh in the moment.

Scents fragrances works brain wave activity and decrease stress hormones in the body.

So whether drinking bear or taking something that make you unconscious, use aromatherapy in the day.

Take balance diet:

Pastry and boiled egg on plate - Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek
Pastry and boiled egg on plate – Stress Relief Activities | Blurbgeek

Initially, poor diet have greater effect towards stress. High fats, excessive sugar foods can provide temporary sense of relieve that add to long term stress.

Oiled foods cause spike in Blood sugar. When blood Sugar level crosses the average. which concludes to more stress and anxiety.

Take balance diet helps to control stress and sports are very important as well. Eggs, walnuts and avocado supports mood and balances energy.

For More Article: Why Sports are Important in healthy life.


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