Working from home is not simply a trend, it’s a whole new way of lifestyle. According to research of a US team from 2005 to 2017, The number to intercommunicating employees in US grew by 115%. And according to recent data from Fundera finds the number of remote US employees is 3.7 million. We often value flexible work schedules such as work at home and intercommunicating options. Because the work option gives us a more effective work-life balance.
“We like to give people the freedom to work where they want, safe in the knowledge that they have the drive and expertise to perform excellently. Whether they are at their desk or in their kitchen “.
Richard Bronson | Blurbgeek
According to one survey remote workers work 1.4 more days per month than their office based counterparts. This calculation resulting in more than three additional weeks of work per year. So there is a number of benefits of working from home including financial benefits. In this modern era people mostly likely to prefer to work remotely, So that they find some work to spent with their family.
Advantage of working from home
- It’s easier than ever
- It increases the employees royalty
- Lower the worker’s sick days
- Lowers the demand of vacations by workers
- Enhance productivity
- Higher morale
- Improved employee retention
- Less stressful day
- Saving of money
- Access to wider pool of Applicants
- Increased staff motivation level
- Convenience
- No commute
- Greater flexibility
- Reduce distraction
- Environmental impact

It’s easier than ever!
You can be connected to office every minute of every day if you want to, So say thanks to internet. The concept of working from home might have seen outlandish 20 years ago, but this is 21st century. You can find access to Wi-Fi almost anywhere and tools like GO TO MEETING and SKYPE makes remote communication breeze.
Working from home makes you feel Royal
Almost anyone who has had the chance to work from home would never dream of giving it up. By giving your employee this chance, they will be extremely royal to you and to your company.
No excuse for Sick leave
Cold and food poisoning make going into the office miserable, But in these days working from home is the best choice. Employee who are mildly sick can still get work done most of the time if it means not having to go into the office. Isn’t it another bonus for your company?
Workers need fewer vacations
Working from home can feel like a break from office, even through when your employees are still working. Employees will get to recharge and spend more time with their families. So they might not be as inclined to take a two-week vacation.
Enhance Productivity
Studies show that staffers who work from home are more productive than those who work in a typical office’s environment. Employees working at home have greater autonomy, face fewer interruptions and can completely focus on their work.
Higher Morale
Employees with flexible work options often have higher morale and enjoy their job responsibilities more them those who work in a traditional office environment. Increased morale often has a positive impact on the work quality and productivity, which benefits the business in terms of bottom line earning.
Improved employees retention
Home working can help you to retain employees with you or helps them to retain their attention in their work. Otherwise, in offices employees enjoy long daily commutes.
Access to wider pool of applications
No doubt it is productive for your small business you got a lot of people as applicants. For example: such as those from more, geographically remote areas, or people who may prefer to work from home.
No commute
Not having a long commute to and from work can save a great deal of time and money. It can reduce your daily stress level.
Reduce Distraction
As you know there is a lot of distractions at home but if you are having the ability to control them. Then Congrats! You are enjoying a greater opportunity to work remotely. Reduce distractions and make coordination with your coworkers for productive work.
Greater Flexibility
Working from home allows you to work during your most productive times. Wear what you’re the most comfortable wearing and create a workflow that works for you.
Higher staff motivation level
Means your business having higher productivity rate. Employees with the best work-life balance enjoys high motivation level.
Comfortable working environment
Employees who work remotely often communicate with colleagues and managers via E-mail and Skype. Conducting virtual meetings and facilitating communication electronically helpful to protect the business as a good corporate steward.
Financial Benefits of Working From Home
Working from home sounds like a pretty good deal, isn’t it?. You can not only save time and use best of your skills but also you can save some money. You don’t need to waste your money on clothing and gym for physical fitness. There is a lot of financial benefits of working remotely some of them discussed below:
- You can save on commuting costs
- Tax deductions
- Less fuel expenses
- You can save on food and coffee
- Less lunch dining out expenses
- You can save on clothing costs
- Save on dog-sitters
- Won’t have to pat to coffee suppliers

You can save commuting cost
This is the most obvious benefit for free-lancers. If you drive yourself to work, you are adding several miles every single day. In return decreasing its value, slowly but surely. For those who previously drove to work. There are less obvious commuter savings too. For example; you are not only saving on gas/fuel, but also saving on repairing by saving distance covered. It will have less wear & tear and you won’t have it serviced as often. You might even save on car insurance too.
Tax Relaxation
Get ready to pay tax next year, If you are working remotely you will be able to deduct your home-office expenses. Because it’s the place where I work. There is a plenty of tax deductions for free-lancers. So you will be able to get these advantages if you are working remotely.
No Fuel expenses
The dramatic fall in fuel expenses have been notice for free-lancers. And at the end of the year it is also noticed their cars have covered only distance of few miles. Saving from fuel expenses gives you a budget to update your car.
You can save from lunch breaks
Even if you are frugal with your food budget when working in an office, it adds up quickly. According to VISA survey of 2015, Americans spend about $53/week on lunch that is about $2746/ year. But if you work from home and having access to your fridge and kitchen you can save plenty of money. You would like to cook your own-self and your expenses goes down. Home made food also impart positive effects on your health so ultimately you can save on health.
You can save from clothing
Since there is no formal dress code at home. You can wear what is comfortable and affordable for you. Don’t need to pay for new ad expensive dresses and also no need to pay for dry cleaning. You can deduce spending on money. As Leslie Woynowski ‘The owner of Agent Help Desk’ rightly quoted:
” Not having a ‘second’ wardrobe aside from a few pieces perfect for client meetings saves me a lot of money
Leslie Woynowski | Blurbgeek
Save on Dog-sitters
If you are a pet lover and having a beautiful dog as pet and working in an office. You need to hire a person who let your dog out during the day. This can get pricey though: According to HOME GUIDE pet sitting service charge $20-30 /day. If you are working remotely you can get some time for your pet and don’t pay for a dog-sitter.
Guidelines You Need To Follow
Whether you are working remotely for one day or for one year you have to set a schedule or take some serious step to make this way of work productive its only up to you.
” You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step”.
Martin Luther King Jr | Blurbgeek
Here are some techniques that can apply on your employees while they work from home.
- Follow a schedule
- keep monitoring
- Plan extra social interactions
- Work at regular hours
- Make plans and lists
- Manage working relationships
- Use all internet accessories

Follow a schedule
The second most popular way to keep your employees productive at home is to set a schedule for working hours about 33%. Encourage employees to maintain the same schedule they did when they went to offices. Following a routine will help your workers feel more structured and efficient.
Keep Monitoring
There is such a thing as “Hive mind”. You do miss out on internal communications by working remotely. This means you are making an effort to stay in touch with your workers to keep monitoring. Also make sure your manager knows what you are doing and when. There are plenty of platforms at internet provides you free-conference call services.
Plan extra social interactions
Some folks love to work in solitude, but even most introverted among us can start feeling a little claustrophobic after a few weeks at home. Alone, staring at some project for so long hours. Get out of it and try to enhance and update your social work circle. Try to schedule some connect-with the outside world. Enhance your exposure, video-chat with a friend.
According to Gallup’s stale of the American work place report about 39% Americans work remotely at least part-time.
Work at regular hours
When you are working from home keep one thing in ‘Try to work in short intervals’. Don’t work constantly. If you are feeling exhausted take some rest, enjoy your hobbies, gather your spirit and energy. Get ready to work again with a new spirit.
Make goals and list to-do’s
Working from home requires some self-motivation and discipline. After a week make list of projects on which you are working. Add new story ideas. Each day make plots of your projects in spare time. It will be productive for your business.
Use effective technologies available
If you want to work remotely you must need to have the know how about all the internet and technology accessories. And try to use it in daily life. Make your exposure to modern technology, try to explore the things. Enhance your knowledge. Make relations with new clients.
Drawbacks of Working From Home
There is always a dark side of every picture. It means working from home is not always productive sometimes, it becomes a recipe for disaster. So, before to take the plunge have a look at the dark side if the picture.
- You need a lot of discipline: Getting up and focusing on work every day when you are in home, take a great deal of self-discipline. You need to be alert and constant motivation.
- It is harder to shut down: When you work from home you did more than at office. And definitely it’s harder to “leave it at office” when your computer is right here. Try to treat it like caffeine something you stop at some point in a day.
- No learning opportunity: Office worker are constantly in the position of learning something from their peers. But when you work from home you need some extra efforts to seek out networking and learning opportunities on your own.
- Relationships are harder to form: It became harder to develop trust and establish relations with colleagues and clients when you don’t have a daily face to face interaction.
Author’s View
Facts and figures are in front of you so, It’s merely up to you to decide whether working from home is productive for business or not. 29% of remote employees said they have to struggle with work-life balance. But the fact is still here that rate of remote workers increasing day by day. Once you start working remotely you may find yourself floundering a bit to stay productive. And I completely agreed with when he said:
“You can’t let your employees work from home out of fear. They will slack off without your supervision, You are a babysitter, not a manager. Remote work is very likely the least of your problem”.
Jason Fried | Founder | Blurbgeek
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