7 Types of Herbal Teas with Health Benefits


    Herbal teas, despite their name, are not considered tea. The French term for herbal teas is “tisane”. Herbal teas are not tea, but they are an infusion of leaves, bark, and seeds in boiled water. Herbal teas can be very beneficial for a person. Nature has always been a friend to humanity, and when a person drinks purely natural things, it will surely benefit them. While drinking herbal tea, we get all the nutrients that are needed for our body, and they make digestion easier. Herbal tea health benefits are sure to count for.

     “In a lot of ways, we might get more benefit from a good organic tea than from a vitamin pill,” says herbalist Marianne Beacon of Elderberry Herbals in Peterborough, Ont. 

    Herbal tea is beneficial for almost every organ and every function in your body. Humans have used herbals for over a thousand years to treat many diseases. Herbals give strength to your body and also help in the normal functioning of your body. Many scientists have also clarified that herbal teas are very beneficial, and can give many nutrients to your body. Aside from the fact that they are delicious and soothing, they are very healthy for your body too.

    A herbal can help you lose weight, and it can help you in your digestion. Herbals can give your body the strength that it needs naturally. Many scientists have proved that herbal tea or anything herbal can provide many benefits to your body.     

    How to Choose a Herbal Tea?

    Research well before choosing a tea that works for you | Blurbgeek
    Research well before choosing a tea that works for you | Blurbgeek

    The most important inquest is, how do you know that you are drinking the right herbal tea? Herbal helps you in many things, and you must know what kind of herbal tea you are taking. Whatever you eat or drink, know about their ingredients, nutritional value, and how beneficial it is for your health.

    If you are drinking herbal tea for medication on purpose, you must know what ingredients it has. You should know all the facts and then decide if you want to take it or not. If you are taking herbal tea, make sure you steep your tea bag in boiling water for at least 10-15 mint so you can have all the flavour and nutrients of the herbals and genuinely enjoy the herbal tea’s health benefits. 

     “Anytime you’re ingesting something, you’re giving your body the building blocks it needs to manufacture tissues and hormones,” says Dixon.

     Also read: Is juice detoxification good for you?

    Types of Herbal Teas That You Should Try

    Ginger Tea

    Ginger tea is the most famous kind of herbal tea out there. It contains disease-fighting oxidants and is a spicy flavoured tea. You commonly use it when a person is experiencing nausea or has an upset stomach. Ginger helps your immune system and strengthens it.

    How to make ginger tea:

    • Cut half a thumb of ginger and peel it.
    • Add half a lemon and 1 tbsp of sugar.
    • Boil it for 5 minutes and take it off the stove.
    • Pour it in a cup and enjoy!

    Pregnant women can use ginger tea in particular when they have nausea or have an upset stomach. Ginger also helps with ulcers. Ginger also helps you to lose weight. It contains nutrients that can burn excessive fats in your body. You can consume ginger tea daily as it has no side effects but try to drink tea with only 4 grams of ginger in it. Ginger herbal tea health benefits are more than enough for your digestion or any other digestive problem you are facing. 

    Chamomile Tea

    Chamomile tea helps you stay healthy and benefits your body. We extract this tea from a flower known as “daisy”. It helps you stay calm and is a sedative used in most essential oils. This tea can cure insomnia and can help in meditation. It can also help you with digestion after a meal. Many people suggest that it treats cough or cold too. It can also be helpful for gargles. Make sure to steep it properly, so you get all the ingredients.

    To prepare chamomile tea, the leaves are dried up thoroughly and put in boiled water. It is caffeine-free and is the best alternative for green tea and black tea. The oxidants help with fighting cancer and help your body to relax and give a pleasant atmosphere to your mind and your body. It helps with sleeping problems and digestion problems too. 

    Lemon Balm Tea

    Lemon balm tea has roots in the mint family. It helps with many things such as the upset stomach, digestion problems, menstrual cramps, anxiety attacks everything. People know lemon balm tea as the “Spirit Tea” due to its calming properties. Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, and insomnia can also be treated with lemon balm tea. 

    If a person has insomnia, he can take lemon balm tea. Lemon balm oil is used in the food and can be taken to fight against anxiety attacks. This tea can be used as an iced tea also and can be served with maple syrup or any other thing that you like. One should drink this before bed to sleep peacefully. 

    Also read: Meditation techniques and Relaxation Exercises

    Green Tea

    Green tea is cognized to be one of the healthiest teas on the planet. It contains anti-oxidants that help you boost your immune system and help your body to fight against free radicals. Free radicals are made in your body that can cause ageing, dehydration, and many other things.

    Green tea helps with all these things and benefits against the production of many free radicals. Green tea helps with fat burning in your body. If you take a cup of green tea after your meal, this will help you a lot in reducing your weight. Anti-Oxidants in green tea helps you to strengthen your body and protects it against many odds. Green herbal tea health benefits include increased brain function and cardiovascular problems. 

    Also read: Benefits of Green Tea

    Hibiscus Tea

    Steeping parts make hibiscus tea of hibiscus in boiled water. It helps with many diseases; one of the fundamental problems that it helps with is high blood pressure.  It helps with a better immune system, fights against many damaging cells, and free radicals that can damage your body.

    Hibiscus tea helps with insomnia, heart disease and can deal with anxiety attacks too. Hibiscus tea helps with vitamin C. it is rich in vitamin C and helps the body with enough vitamin C. Vitamins are most important for our organisation, and Vitamin C is one of them. 

    Rooibos Tea 

    Rooibos tea is a South African tea and is extracted from the leaves of the Rooibos red bush plant. It contains almost all the health benefits. Previously it was used for many medical purposes, but now it is replaced by many other artificial things. Its oxidants cause aging and wrinkling on your face.

    Your skin won’t age if you take this tea. The wrinkles won’t be there after it. Rooibos tea helps with skin disease too, can be made as a hot beverage or cold, and helps to reduce ageing and skin problems.  

    Peppermint Tea

    Peppermint tea is one of the most comfortable teas to make and can be prepared by plucking herbs from your garden. It helps with blotting issues and gas symptoms, and can also be used for muscle spasms. It makes your body temperature higher, and your body sweats.

    If you are having a burning sensation or indigestion problem, peppermint tea won’t do much good. Peppermint Tea contains potassium, magnesium, and Vitamins such as A and C. this type of tea helps with headaches and with menstrual problems such as bloating and pain etc.  


    Types of herbal tea | Blurbgeek
    Herbal tea are good for normal body functioning | Blurbgeek

    Herbal teas have been a natural source of anti-oxidants, meditation and treatment of diseases for years. With organic skincare and organic lifestyle surfacing the lives of many people in this modernized age, herbal teas have not only gained popularity, but they are an excellent source to keep the body healthy and strong. Herbal tea health benefits are sure to look forward to.


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