Only Fruits and Vegetables- No meat In Diet Is a Bad Idea


Many people eat only fruits and vegetables and don’t like to eat meat. It depends on many reasons. Some people don’t take meat due to animal welfare. They think it is a cruel act. Some do for losing weight. Vegetables and fruits have low calories. If someone is very conscious about one’s weight, they don’t eat meat. Patients with heart issues prefer vegetables and fruits. Fruits and vegetables are also good for lowering cholesterol.

In some countries, it is a part of the tradition. They do not eat meat just because of their religious issues. Eating vegetables and fruits is very good. But total dependence can cause many issues. The absence of meat from diet is a bad idea. Meat is very essential for health. We must take a balanced diet. It consists of all types of food items vegetables, fruits, and meat all are very essential. They have individual benefits. So, if you are thinking to skip one of them. You are committing a big mistake. In this article, we are sharing the disadvantages of skipping the meat in the diet.

Possible Advantages of Eating Fruits and Vegetables

There are many advantages of vegetables and fruits. No one can deny them. Vegetable makes the bulk. But fruits are taken in transitions.

  • Reduces weight due to low calories
  • Cholesterol level decreases
  • Lowers the high blood pressure
  • Increase the blood vessels health
  • Boost immune system
  • Excellent antioxidant
  • Reduces the risk of cancer
  • Reduces the damage to DNA
  • Provides many nutrients
  • Rich in fibers thus prevent colon cancer

Types of Meat

There are at least three major types of meat is present;

  1. Red meat: Lamb, goat, beef
  2. Poultry: Chicken and different types of birds
  3. Seafood: Fish, prawns  

Nutrition of Meat

Meat is an excellent source macro-nutrient; Proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fats. Especially protein, B vitamins, iron and zinc. As a nutrient-dense food, meat provides major nutritive contributions to your diet relative to the amount of calories it contains.

Outstanding Fact

Meat is not only the source of protein. But it has a high quality of protein. Protein is made of amino acids. These amino acids are essential for making for your own body protein. They might be essential and non-essential. The amino acids we take through diet. These are called non-essential amino acids.  Meat is a major dietary source of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12. Heme- iron accounts for fifty to sixty percent of the iron in beef, lamb, and chicken. It has high absorption and very essential than non- heme iron(majorly plant source).

Beneficial Effects of Meat On The Body

The total absence of meat in a diet can cause damage. So, a moderate amount of meat is essential. Without meat, the motto of a balanced diet can’t be achieved.

1. Fat Metabolism

As we know that meat is a rich source of proteins. Proteins are made of amino acids. These amino acids perform many functions in the body. So, it can provide energy. They are important for growth. But these amino acids can function individually. They control many metabolic processes in the body. Among them, L- Carnitine is essential for fat metabolism. Fats metabolism means whether it will provide energy. Or it provides the precursors for synthesizing the other components. L-Carnitine is very crucial for fat metabolism.

2. Heart Health

The study revealed that meat could decrease the 27% chance of heart diseases. This happens due to reduced hypertension. It is also found that it can reduce oxidative stress (reactive oxygen products). There is a very important dipeptide(a combination of two amino acids) known as Carnosine. This is important to improve blood vessel health. It also reduces inflammation. Important anti-aging agent. The anti-aging practice reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis. These factors improve heart health.

About 27% heart diseases decreases due to meat. Thus meat is very beneficial for health- Only fruits and vegetables
About 27% heart diseases decreases due to meat.

3. Diabetes

L-Carnitine dipeptide is present in meat. It improves fasting glucose levels. Fasting glucose level means the normal glucose level in blood. Any fluctuation in this may lead to diabetes. So, L- Carnitine is essential for controlling this level in blood. Secondly, Conjugated linoleic acid(family of 28 isomers of linoleic acid) is very functional. This is a fat found in meat. This fat increases insulin sensitivity. Insulin is a hormone that reduces the blood glucose level. This amino acid increases insulin sensitivity means the response of body cells toward insulin. Thus help in diabetes.

Meat has components that increase the insulin sensitivity. Eating only fruits and vegetables is not suitable in all cases- Blurbgeek
Meat has components that increase the insulin sensitivity. Eating only fruits and vegetables is not suitable in all cases- Blurbgeek

4. Antioxidant

Glutathione is an important tripeptide(molecule form due to the joining of three amino acids). This is a master antioxidant. This antioxidant property boosts immunity. Reduce the risk of chronic diseases. It also acts as anti-aging.

5. Effect on aging

Glutathione is an antioxidative tripeptide. This antioxidant prevents aging. Another dipeptide Carnosine reverses the age. Both these molecules reduce the age effects.

Read Also: How Coffee Prevents Pre-Aging

6. Immunity

Glutathione is also helpful for increasing immunity. Increased immunity helps you to fight against microbes.

Read Also: How To Boost Immunity During Pandemic

7.Muscle Mass

Meat is a pure form of protein. Protein is made of amino acids. There are two types of amino acids are present. First are non-essential amino acids. These amino acids can be synthesized by the body. Second, are essential amino acids.  Our bodies can’t synthesize them on its own. So the requirement of these amino acids is fulfilled by external sources.

The amino acids from external source break. And our bodies use them to synthesis our own body proteins. If the proteins are absent in our diet. Our body starts running out of material. Via eating meat. An increased supply of proteins is present. And this will use to synthesis our body protein. Our muscles are made of amino acids.

Meat is good for health. It also increase the muscle mass- Only fruits and vegetables
Meat is good for health. It also increase the muscle mass.

8. Mineral Deficiencies

Meat is rich in minerals. These include iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, and many more. Each mineral is associated with a specific enzyme. And this enzyme is linked with a function. When there is a deficiency of minerals in the body. The particular function stops. This leads to severe disorders.

9. Anemia

Anemia is a condition of iron deficiency in the blood. The iron is essential for the production of hemoglobin. This is crucial for carrying oxygen. Oxygen deficiency leads to death. Or poor functioning of the body. Meat is rich in iron. Thus prevent anemia.

10. Inflammation

Carnosine reduces inflammation in the body. L- Carnitine causes a reduction in oxidative damage. Thus, both reduce inflammation.

11. Growth

Meat is rich in proteins, minerals, etc. they are essential for the repairing and growth of the body. The growth of the body increases with increasing supply. Thus, meat is the best.

12. For Bones

Lysine is an amino acid present in meat. This increases mineral absorption. This reduces the chance of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis means the breakdown of bone cells. Moreover, the collagen level increases. Collagen makes the bone. Minerals essential of bones are calcium, magnesium, zinc, etc.  Meat is rich in minerals.

13. In Pregnancy

Meat consumption is important in pregnancy. EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid), CLA (Conjugated linolic acid), and DHA(Docosahexaenoic acid) lipids are found in meat. Protein supply essential for growth. Vitamins and minerals prevent the deficiencies in baby and mother. Especially, Vitamin B6, vitamin B12 reduces the abnormality of neurons. Iron prevents mortality. Zinc is useful in growth and development.

14. For Eyes

Meat is also good for eye health. It is rich in n-3 fatty acids. The deficiency of these fatty acids causes vision loss. ALA (alpha-Linolenic acid) is good for the eyes. Iron and vitamin E prevent eyes from oxidative damage.

Fatty acids present in meat can improve eye health and vision.- Only fruits and vegetables
Fatty acids present in meat can improve eye health and vision.

15. Brain Health

Fatty acids such as DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) involve in reducing Alzheimer’s disease. Another vitamin B6 deficiency is observed in dementia patients. Meat is rich in both so can improve mental health. Many vitamins present in meat. These vitamins are important for neural regeneration.

16. Hair Loss

Creatine is an organic compound that makes up the nails, hairs, etc. This is very important in hair health. Zinc promotes growth. Iron supply is crucial for hairs. These components are essential for hair health. Thus reduce hair loss and damage.

Meat reduces hair loss. because it is rich in protein, iron, zinc, etc. Meat is good for health
Meat reduces hair loss. because it is rich in protein, iron, zinc, etc. Meat is good for health

17. Work Efficiency

Meat is rich in protein. The vitamin, minerals, and lipids are also abundant. They not only essential but also provide energy. Your strength increases and very productive for work.

Author’s view

You must take a balanced diet. A balanced diet contains all food items. Meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains. All are equally important for the body. If you think to take only one item by reading its advantages. You are wrong. When you take anything thing in excess it will cost you. Let’s suppose you start taking too much meat. It may lead to heart diseases, Blood pressure disorders. Due to the presence of certain unwanted compounds cancer may occur. Many worms are also associated with it. Liver problems can be observed. Firstly, cook the meat well. Then make a diet plan and follow it. It will really help you out.


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