Wrinkles is merely a natural aging process. When people get older their skin become thinner, drier and less elastic, gradually loss the ability to recover damage. So, before to discussing the natural remedies of wrinkles; the question arise What are wrinkles? And what are different types of wrinkles?
DR P.S Jagadeesh kumar
What are WRINKLES?
Wrinkles are the creases, folds and ridges on the skin they also known as “Rhytids“. Most wrinkles tends to appear in different parts of body (especially those parts which receive the most sun exposure like face and neck, back of hands and arms).
Different Types of WRINKLES
Typically, there are following types of rhytids, we shall discuss their remedies.
- Atrophic crinkling wrinkles: These wrinkles are those parallel lines that disappear when your skin is stretchered taut. They can occur on face or on any part of body.
- Permanent elastic ceases: These are creases lines that end up becoming permanent wrinkles as we age.
- Dynamic expression lines: These fun lines are the one that you get from repeated facial muscles movements. That cause creases in the skin that became more prominent with age. They usually show up around the mouth, eyes and forehead.
- Gravitational folds: They occur naturally on skin with the advancing age as our skin loses its structure and starts to fold and sag.
Although you can map out when wrinkling might appear. Must remember our unique set of face lines give us guidelines to recover these aging effects but must keep in mind. Don’t you worry, we have gathered some of the best natural remedies of wrinkles for you after a bulk load of research. Just try these remedies and you will see the difference yourself.
” You can only reduce the effects of aging to some extent because wrinkling is an irreversible process”.
Natural Remedies of Wrinkles
It is never too late or early to start preventing wrinkling. Must try these natural remedies of wrinkles to get amazing results.
- Eat skin boosting food
- Coconut oil
- Olive oil
- Try face exercise
- Take relaxed sleep
- Use sunscreen
- Follow healthy diet schedule
- Reduce stress
- Enhance your beta carotene
- Limit your sugar intake

Eat Skin Boosting Foods
You can nourish and repair your skin from inside too by eating balanced diet full of vitamins and antioxidants- rich yummy fruits and vegetables.
Reality Check
Those who eat food rich in VITAMIN C had fewer wrinkle and less age related skin problems. So, ensure that you are getting a lot of nutrients so, you can feed your skin on them.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a natural emollient as well as a natural beauty ingredient that means when you apply it on your body it fills all the gaps in your epidermis and makes your skin smooth and glowing. It shows magical effects on your body also moisturize your skin.
Olive Oil
Olive oil helps your skin to stay soft and supple. Gently message few drops of olive oil on your face and neck before bedtime and rinse with a soft towel. You will wake to skin that is soft and healthy looking.
“It is also full of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, which is good for the skin”.
Anthony Youn | Renounced Plastic Surgeon
Take Relaxed Sleep
Take around eight hours of healthy, relaxed and sound sleep and let your skin to be repaired and nourished. Try to relax your body and muscles. A healthy sleep reduce wrinkles from your body.
Follow the Healthy Diet Schedule
In your healthy diet schedule must add vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E they are merely skin care products. Believe me there is a strong connection b/w healthy body and firm, younger looking skin. To increase the amount of these vitamins in your body add citrus fruits, carrots and pumpkin in your daily diet.
Reduce Stress on Mind and Body
To limit aging effects ( wrinkling) limit your stress level. Shut down the exhausting thoughts enjoy healthy life. whenever you get stressed or overwhelmed. Try mind boosting hobby or you can enjoy your favorite choco-chip cookie.
Limit Your Sugar Intake – Avoid Junk Foods
Sugar consumption not only effect your skin but also leaves negative effects on your health. Un Balanced sugar level in body leads to diabetics. Also for your skin AGE ( advanced glycation emd) breakdown the collagen in your body and aver time make you look older. Increase aging effects on face so try to limit the sugar intake.
Enhance your Beta Carotene
You will be amazed to know that beta carotene helps to block the sun’s UV rays from damaging your skin and body. Beta carotene and Vitamin A are the ingredients of cosmetics and anti wrinkle creams available in the market. You can simply get beta carotene from natural food like veges and fruits.
Use a Sunscreen
Your skin is exposed to more oxidative stress than to any other par of the body. It simply means that your daily routine slowly damaging your skin. To save your skin from such harmful damage wear sunscreen and very little people know that sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) over 30 can help you prevent skin cancer. Sunscreen also helps to delay aging effects. So for long term healthy skin wear moisturizing sunscreen on face & body daily.
Dermabrasion is a surgical procedure that involves controlled wearing away of the upper layer of skin with the sand paper. This treatment helps to give a fresher and smoother look. It may cause scabbing, swelling or redness, these may fade after two weeks but some pinkness remains for several years. The desired results are not intermediate. This advanced medication may also have some side effects on skin and require some extra care just after the treatment. This treatment is repeated again and again because results are temporary.

Laser is a treatment to remove/reduce wrinkles and skin irregularities such as acne scares. This technique directs short and concentrated pulsating beams at irregular skin. Precisely removing skin layer by layer. This popular procedure also called lasabrasion, laser peel and laser vaporization.

Most of the people do not welcome wrinkles and millions of dollars are spent globally on treatment to remove or delay them. Some of these therapies makes great claims but have no effects. Some of them imparts dangerous effects on skin or damage it completely. So, always prefer herbal treatments; having zero side effects. Here we have shared some of the natural remedies of wrinkles including home made scrubs.
- Aloe Vera
- Banana Mask
- Super foods
- Egg White
- Essential oils
- Pineapple juice
- Caster oil
- Rosemary
- Ginger and honey
- Avocados
- Message
- Yogurt face mask
- Jojoba oil
- Lemon juice and sugar scrub
- Rice paste

Aloe Vera
No doubt it’s a GOD gifted ingredient containing numerous healing properties. A daily aloe Vera gel supplement on skin reduces the appearance of wrinkles in just 90 days. Also add collagen to skin and hydrate the skin.
Jojoba Oil
jojoba oil not only an anti-wrinkle remedy but also a best moisturizer.
USAGE: Pour 3-4 drops of jojoba oil on your fingertips. Message your forehead in upward direction for 3 to 4 mins. Relax for 20 minutes then wash your face with warm water.
The best skin tightening agent; prevent premature wrinkling. It makes your skin smoother and stretchy
Directions to apply:
- Take an egg to good quality.
- Separate yolk from it.
- Apply a thin layer of egg white on face
- Notice when skin is starting to pull wash your face.
- Do not leave egg white on your skin for too long it may cause eye bags.
Banana Mask
Banana consist of all the essential oil and vitamins that boost up your skin health. Take a fresh banana and mesh it until it form a fine paste. Apply a generous layer of banana paste on your skin and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash with warm water. Experts recommend the use to this mask twice a week.
Caster Oil
This oil not only helps to moisturize the fragile skin of under eyes but also make it soft to touch. Caster oil helps to keep away any kind of damage from wrinkles. What you have to do just to dip your finger in the caster oil and message gently under eyes.
Rice Paste
The best ever beauty secrete “RICE PASTE” Used as anti wrinkle remedy in Japan for centuries.
- 2 tbsp rice flour
- 2 tbsp rose water
- 1 tbsp milk (raw)
Mix the above mentioned ingredients in a small container. Apply the paste on your hands, face, neck and feet. Leave until it dry. Wash it off with water. This will definitely make your skin not only wrinkle free but also radiant and hydrated.
Ginger and Honey
Honey is considered as a natural moisturizer whereas, ginger enhances the blood circulation around the areas of damaged skin. One tbsp of ginger and 1/2 tbsp of honey is enough to take at a time. Mix them thoroughly and message around your eyes and on forehead gently. Repeat it daily.
Pineapple Juice
It’s an effective anti aging home remedy. Pineapple works like a charm that is full of antioxidants and repairs the damage caused by sun exposure to skin. Pineapple juice having Bromelain; an enzyme that is anti-inflammatory agent.
Directions to apply:
Crush the pineapple and extract the juice. Use this juice to message gently on face and neck in upward direction. Wash after 5 minutes.
Massage, a magical remedy for wrinkles. Choose your favorite gentle lotion. Take few drops of it and give few minutes to your face to enjoy massage with firm but gentle touch. While messaging mainly focus on damage areas like neck, eye lines etc.
“Facial message may help the blood flow to the skin and delivery of oxygen and nutrients”.
Yogurt Face Mask
This mask comes with incredible benefits.
- Yogurt contains lactic acid that remove dead skin
- This mask tightens your skin
- Vitamin E fast the skin repairing process and cleans blemishes
How to apply:
Extract juice of lemon and add 3 tbsp yogurt in it. Add 1 capsule of vitamin E and 1 tbsp of pure honey in it. Mix it gently. Apply a generous layer of mixture on your face and let it dry. Wash with warm water after 15 minutes.
Honey and Oatmeal Facial Scrub
- 1/2 tbsp fresh oats (uncooked)
- 1 tbsp nutmeg
- 1 tbsp raw honey
- 15 drops of Lavender
- 15 drops of tea tree essential oil
Run the oatmeal in a blender to convert it into tiny bits. Transfer it to a small bowl and add all above mentioned ingredients, stir until it combine
USAGE: Gently rub into facial skin in circular motion. Leave it for 5-10 minutes, Wash with warm water. Apply once a week.
Blueberry and Honey Scrub
- 1/2 cup fresh blueberries
- 2 tbsp honey
- 1-2 tbsp sugar
Combine all ingredients in a small container, blend until it become smooth. Wash your face and add a generous layer of paste on face. Wait for 15 min. Wash with warm water. Repeat twice a week.
Author’s Insights
Don’t worry if you are having wrinkles and lines on your face because. Aging is a natural process and eventually, everybody has wrinkles and line that became more prominent over time.
“If wrinkles must be written upon your brows; let them not be written on your heart, the spirit should never grown old”.
So instead of battling wrinkles with expensive creams and medical procedures, Why not we try these natural remedies of wrinkles. The first thing you have to do just to save yourself from UV rays of sun. That bright orb that rises in the sky every day is one of the leading havoc, weakens and damage the skin before to apply these remedies at home must wear sunscreen when you are working under the sun.
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