Do you know which foods are healthy or which are not healthy? When you examine your diet it can be difficult to govern which food is healthy for you to eat. Fast food and snack foods are commonly known as unhealthy foods, but some foods are unhealthy which we use in our daily life as healthy foods. Here we discuss some examples of unhealthy foods, including some healthy foods according to our opinion.
List of Unhealthy Foods
- Chips
- Cookies and Cakes
- Sugar cereals
- Most fruit juices
- Frozen Entrées
- Charred Meats
- Brown Rice
1. Chips – Among Unhealthy Foods
Among the most eaten salted snacks potato chips are popular throughout the world. Chips are made by thinly fried potatoes and sometimes bakes. It’s the cooking process that defines whether, the snack is healthy or bad for health. It can create some by-products like acrylamide, known as neurotoxin and cause cancer. This forms by cooking the foods at high temperatures. Especially, the starch rich vegetables like potato have high amount of acrylamide concentration.

If you’re a lover of chips and keen on eating that. You might want to avoid acrylamide and choose to eat vegetable crisps of a different type. Especially, the ones with low-salt and low-fat concentration, which have less by-products and more vitamins and minerals.
2. Cookies and Cakes – Bad for Health
Coffee and pack of cookies or piece of cake is a day breaker for most of us. considered as a humble drink the coffee has always been with her companion biscuits. It’s shocking to hear that this companion might be a death wish for you. Biscuits and cakes contain fats, known as trans-fats to give taste and texture to such foods. Trans-fat have harmful effects on memory.

It’s not like that you should never eat cakes or cookies. But excess of everything is bad. Packed foods are loaded with preservatives and trans-fats which are generally unhealthy foods and essentially contain no nutrients and copious calories.
3. Sugar Cereals – Can be among Unhealthy Foods
Excess of sugar rich products is always a bad option to begin with. Cereals is a common breakfast these days. As life is busy and cooked breakfast is a luxury not anyone can afford. But these cereals are awful for your health as they contain nutritionally fewer carbohydrates, artificial colors, sodium and chemicals (preservatives).

When cereals are processed, the shell and germs are removed from the grains and additives are added. These preservatives have starch and sugar but not fiber. Fiber is essential for bone development and if you’re not loaded proper nutrients. The fragile health began to collapse more quickly. There are also some good quality cereals available in the market. So, shop carefully your breakfast items next time that have proper diet elements. Otherwise, cereals can be an unhealthy food for you.
4. Artificial Fruit Juices – An Unhealthy Drink
Packed juices can be harmful and sometimes these products are just neither good nor bad. Artificial juices contain carbs which raise glucose level in the blood and most of them are extracted from spoiled fruits anyway. These juices usually contain 25-30 % of the fruit juice and rest are the additives and preservatives.

Smoothies and fruit juice are the new danger, It’s kind of the next step in the evolution of the battle. And it’s a really big part of it because in every country they’ve been replacing soft drinks with fruit juice and smoothies as the new healthy beverage. So you will find that Coke and Pepsi have bought dozens [of fruit juice companies] around the globe.
Popkin | professor at the University of North Carolina
5. Frozen Entrées
Generally, frozen foods doesn’t have any side effects as such. In fact, in some cases the nutrients remain fresh instead of breaking down. But to preserve the foods in frozen condition along with some preservatives starch is used. Starch contains glucose and body converts into sugar and a diet with excess glucose can lead to diabetes.

Frozen is also loaded with considerable amount of trans-fats that can cause heart disease as it contributes to clogged arteries. Some foods need salt for preservation and it leads to blood pressure spikes. We know, as a fact that frozen foods needs noxious chemicals and preservative to make it suitable and last for longer terms. This naturally affect the cycle of nutrition and have bad effects on health that’s why frozen foods ended on our list of unhealthy foods. However, some fruits and vegetables are preserved on very low temperatures using less or no additives these products are consumable as their nutrients are not affected by temperature.
6. Charred Meats – Among Unhealthy Foods
When you hear word “Summer” the backyard barbecue parties are the first thing to come in the mind. But unfortunately this is not without consequences. Cooking the meat at elevated temperature caused the formation of heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Researches at National Cancer Institute reveals that these chemicals cause changes in DNA and lead to high risk diseases like cancer.

“Keep your plate colorful with a variety of fresh vegetables and whole grains. Fish and chicken are probably better options for animal protein, but we can also get enough protein from whole grains eaten with legumes, such as beans or lentils.”
Dr. Ambrosone | Senior Vice President | Cancer Prevention and Control at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
7. Brown Rice – How Come Brown Rice is Unhealthy Food
Rice is the most common and humble food; eaten almost in every corner of the globe but not all kinds are equal in benefits. Nutrition specialist believe that eating brown rice is more beneficial because of protein rich ability but you should not listen to that if you are an athlete. Brown rice do contain considerable amount of proteins but most of it goes to waste as proteins from brown rice are less bioavailable than protein that comes from animals.

Moreover, brown rice contains inorganic arsenic which is a toxin known to potentially cause liver, lung, kidney, and bladder cancer because brown rice are difficult to digest. White rice being the counterpart is a better option, and they also contain huge amount of proteins and act as anti-nutrients, reducing the bioavailability of the micronutrients it contains.
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