10 Smallest Countries In The World By Area


Smallest Countries in the world by area

  1. Vatican City
  2. Monaco
  3. Nauru
  4. Tuvalu
  5. San Marino
  6. Liechtenstein
  7. Marshall Islands
  8. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  9. Maldives
  10. Malta

1. Vatican City

Vatican City is number-1 among the smallest countries in the world by area. With total area 0.44 squares Km Only. It is also known as Holy See. The biggest church st. peter’s basilica is in Vatican City. This church was built on 18 April 1506. The church is famous for its Renaissance artwork. Vatican City had its origins on fab.11th, 1929. Vatican City comes into existence by the Lateran Treaty.  Lateran Treaty is the agreement between Italy and the Holy See (Vatican City). This agreement is made in 1929.

Smallest country in the world by area
Vatican City – Number 1

2. Monaco

Monaco is number-2 among the smallest countries in the world by area. Its total area is 2.02 squares km. It is located in Europe and the people of Monaco believe in Roman Catholicism religion. The water percentage is negligible due to the small area. According to the 2019 survey, the total population of Monaco is 39,045.

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The border of Monaco is connected with France from one side while its other side is linked with the Mediterranean Sea. Formula 1 car racing is famous even on the roads of Monaco. Monaco is the home to the many millionaires and billionaires.

Small-scaled country in the world by area
Monaco – Number 2

3. Nauru

Nauru is number-3 among the smallest countries in the world by area. its total area is 21 squares km. It is a beautiful Island. Nauru came into being in 1968. Nauru is an island located in the east of Australia. It is well known for phosphate mining. Nauru is full of overweighed people. Diabetes is the most common disease nearly 40% population of Nauru is suffering from diabetes. Unemployment is very common in Nauru that causes diabetes.

Smallest country in the world according to area
Nauru – Number 3

4. Tuvalu

Tuvalu is number-4 among the smallest countries in the world according to the area. The total area of Tuvalu is 26 squares Km. It is also known as the Ellice Islands. Tuvalu is located in-between Australia and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. According to the survey of 2019, the total population of Tuvalu is 11,689. Tuvalu comes in to being on october-1st, 1978. It is separated from the United Kingdom (UK). United Nations accepts Tuvalu as its 19th member on September-5th, 2000.

Small-scaled country in the world according to area
Tuvalu – Number 4

5. San Marino

San Marino is number-5 among the smallest countries in the world according to the area. The total area of San Marino is 1.2 squares Km. It is also known as the Republic of San Marino. San-Marino is in Sothern Europe. According to the 2019 survey, the total population of San Marino is 33,031. It came into being on October-8th, 1600. the religion of the people in San Marino is Catholicism. San Marino is encircled between other countries.

Small-scaled country in the world by area
San Marino – Number 5

6. Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein is number-6 among the small-scale countries in the world according to the area. The total area of Liechtenstein is 160 squares Km. It is also known as the Principality of Liechtenstein. The religion of most of the people is Catholicism. And the capital of Liechtenstein is Vaduz. According to the 2019 survey, the population of Liechtenstein is 38,019. The border of Liechtenstein is connected to Switzerland in the south while the west is linked to Austria in the north and east.

Smallest countries in the world according to area
Liechtenstein – Number 6

7. Marshall Islands

The Marshall Islands is number-7 among the small-scale countries in the world according to the area. The total area of Marshall Island is 181.2 squares Km. The capital of Marshall Island in Majuro and also the largest city on Marshall Island. It came into being in 1979. According to the survey of 2019, the population of Marshall Island is 58,906.

Small-scaled countries in the world
Marshall Islands – Number 7

8. Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint and Nevis is number-8 small-scaled country on the map of the world by area. The total area of Saint Kitts and Nevis is 261.1 squares Km. Basseterre is the capital of Saint Kitts & Nevis. It came into being on February-27th, 1967. According to the survey of 2019, the population of Saint Kitts & Nevis is 57,098.

mini-scaled countries in our world
Saint Kitts and Nevi – Number 8

9. Maldives

The Maldives is number-9 among small-scaled country on the map of the world and the smallest country in Asia according to the area. The total area of Maldives is 298 squares Km. The capital of Maldives is Male. It is an Islamic country. According to the survey of 2019, the population of Maldives is 530,953. The Maldives came into being on July-26th, 1965.

small sized countries on our planet
Maldives – Number 9

10. Malta

Malta is number-10 among the smallest counties on the map of the world according to the area. The total area of Malta is 316 squares Km. It is also known as the Republic of Malta. The capital of Malta is Valletta. Malta came into being as the state of Malta on September-21st, 1964, while it became the Republic of Malta on December-13th 1974. According to the survey of 2019 total population of Malta is 440,372.

small sized countries on earth
Malta – Number 10



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