Teeth perform three essential functions. Firstly, they help us in grinding the food. They do mechanical digestion. Afterwards, we can easily swallow food. Secondly, it makes your smile perfect. Smile is the best way of communication. It symbolizes affection and warmth. Teeth also help in talking. They help you articulate. Few words can’t be expressed without teeth. The mouth acts as the gate to your body.
If any disturbance happens in teeth, it affects the whole body. Have you ever observed when your teeth hurt. You feel pain in your ear? Teeth complication affects the body from head to toe. Poor hygiene is a significant problem. So what could be the possible side effects of bad teeth on your health? Let’s find out!

Causes of poor dental health
There are many side effects of bad teeth on your health. Many factors cause rotten teeth. These factors could be food agents and poor hygienic practices. Few of them are;
- Germs like viruses, fungi and bacteria, except for bacterial flora present in our mouth for protection.
- Many foods produce acids that could harm your teeth like wine and citric fruits, etc.
- The plaque is a sticky material formed over teeth.
- Smoking
- Poor brushing habits
- High intake of sugary food
- Genetics
- Acid reflux means backflow of acid from the stomach
- Saliva is very crucial because it neutralizes the acids. It also kills harmful bacteria. Few medications cause less production of saliva. This limited amount is not enough for proper functioning
- Hormonal changes, especially in women
Symptoms of poor dental healthiness
There are many primary symptoms of bad teeth. These symptoms are an indicator of poor health. Upon observing them, we must consult a specialist immediately. The symptoms include:
Mild symptoms
- If the soreness of gums does not end even after one or two weeks
- Bleeding gums
- Swollen gums
- Continuous bad breath
- Sensitivity
- Teeth twinge
- Teeth fallout
- Jaw click
- Cracking of teeth
Severe symptoms
- Cheek or face swells
- High fever
- Facial swelling
- Neck swelling
- Severe pain in the ear
Diagnostic protocols
There are a variety of procedures used by the dentist. Firstly, he starts with the physical examination of teeth and gums. If the condition is not good, then the dentist can suggest a dental X-ray or gum biopsy. In gum biopsy, a sample from the gum is taken and send to the lab for analysis.
MRI, CT scan, or endoscopy are other options. Endoscopy means a procedure for a detailed examination. It mainly involves scanning of the mouth. These are some diagnostic tests. The types of the test depend on the patient’s condition.

Types of Dental complications
- Cavities: Holes in teeth
- Gingivitis: Gums inflammation
- Periodontist: Bones and jaws become affected because of infection
- Cracking of teeth: It results in the breakage of a part of the teeth
- Sensitivity: Discomfort in teeth. Particularly while eating/drinking hot or cold food or drinks.
- Oral cancer: Permanent soreness in gums, lips, and cheeks. It can affect the palate or mouth floor. In many conditions, an outgrowth in the mouth forms.
Side effects of bad teeth on your health
We associate the dental disturbance with body complications. It can affect you from head to toe. It does not confine these problems to your mouth only. Other body systems suffer from it. Potential side effects listed as:
1. Endocarditis
Endocarditis is a condition in which the internal lining of heart damages. The inner lining of the heart is called endocardium. When pathogenic bacteria present in the mouth travel through the bloodstream, through the blood, they quickly approach the heart. These infectious bacteria cause infections in the walls of the heart. Many types of research reveal pathogenic mouth bacteria in the blood. They can cause endocarditis. The condition damages the heart valves.
2. Heartstrokes
Poor oral health can cause heart stroke. Inflammation is a significant cause of heart strokes. When gum bacteria enter the bloodstream, they cause inflammation. It tends the blood to clot more. Clotting causes heart stroke.
3. Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is the complication of the hardening of arteries. It occurs because of plaque. Plaque consequences to heart diseases. These comprise strokes, myocardial infarction, etc.
4. Pneumonia
Infection of lungs termed as Pneumonia. Bacteria, fungi, or viruses are causative agents of it. Many studies clear that poor oral health causes pneumonia. The old age people are more susceptible to pneumonia because of unhygienic oral routine. Persons who are suffering from periodontal disease, dental decay are more vulnerable to pneumonia. The reason behind this is a wide range of infection-causing bacteria in their lungs.
5. Acute Bronchitis
Inflammation in bronchi is because of microbes. It is called bronchitis. It results in coughing, fever, sputum, discomfort in the chest. Bronchi is the air pipes inside the lung. They provide the path through which air can flow. It is believed that dental plaque causes diseases like bronchitis and pneumonia. And other respiratory disorders appear.
Infected mouth holds the colonies of pathogens. These pathogens enter our respiratory system. They settle down there. Start multiplying. The high contamination disturbs the wall of the respiratory system. Thus many problems arise.
6. Dementia
It refers to memory loss. We also include it in the side effects of bad teeth on your health. When this material penetrates, the brain cells destroy them. It involves the toxic substance produced by rotten teeth in memory loss.
7. Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s is a degenerative neurological disorder and leads to dementia. Scientists researched in Japan. In this, they evaluated how dementia and Alzheimer’s disease associated with oral health. The results were terrific. People with weak teeth are 62% more susceptible to dementia.
The risk increases with an increase in unhygienic conditions. They said long-term inflammation or gums problem, increases the chances of Alzheimer’s disease. In other researches, they list gingivitis in its cause.
8. Diabetes
Diabetes itself causes dental problems. Because of periodontal diseases, the control of diabetes becomes difficult. But how? The answer is inflammation. Periodontal disease causes inflammation.
This inflammation renders the system. The blood glucose level rises. It also causes insulin resistance. The insulin response of cells suppresses. The high sugar level is one of the side effects of rotten teeth on your health.
9. Pregnancy complications
Levels of estrogen and progesterone rise. They cause the loss of body tissues and bones. It can lead to periodontal disease or gingivitis. Both teeth problems cause complications. These include low infant weight at birth, premature birth, and a lot more.
10. Infertility in women
Women with dental problems face infertility. They also observe unhealthy pregnancy and difficulty in conceiving.
11. Erectile dysfunction
Chronic periodontal disease is its cause. When bacteria and inflammation travel through the blood, they reach genitals and damage the blood vessels and nerves. Thus the erection becomes painful or impossible for some patients.
12. Cancer
Smoking is the primary cause of oral cancer. It not only confines to the mouth, but it also affects your body from head to toe. In advanced stages, it causes kidney cancer. Pancreatic and blood cancer can happen.
13. Kidney diseases
Periodontal disease weakens immunity, and the body becomes vulnerable to infections. These infections affect the kidney, heart, BP, and cause bone damage.
14. Rheumatoid arthritis
Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center conducted the research. They found that oral conditioning and rheumatoid arthritis are very much linked. Gingivitis increases the risk of this disease. Rheumatoid arthritis means inflammation of bones, especially the joints.
These were the side effects of bad teeth on your health. Now, let’s find about the remedies.
Common treatments
- t Cleaning: It involves the removal of plaque.
- Fluoride treatment: A mineral called fluoride. It helps in enamel strengthening. Tough on bacteria.
- Fillings: Materials like amalgam is filled in holes or cavities.
- Crowns: Teeth shaped cap is placed on a damaged tooth.
- Sealant: Thin coating for protection. It is placed on a broken piece of tooth. Besides, it helps to prevent cavities.
- Antibiotics: Fight against bacteria.
- Probiotics: These are good bacterial taken orally. They improve digestive health. Yoghurt and kimchi also include in probiotics. Many supplements are available in the market.
- Change in daily hygiene habits.
- Change in dietary habits.
- Dentists can suggest various surgeries.
Habits that can prevent oral diseases
- Brush your teeth twice a day.
- Dental experts suggest fluoride toothpaste.
- Use only a pea-sized amount of toothpaste.
- You must use good quality brushes.
- Smoothly brush your teeth.
- You must floss your teeth at least once a day.
- Strictly avoid tobacco.
- Use high fibre food.
- Reduce fat consumption.
- Eat less sugary food and brush immediately.
- Avoid snacks.
- Drinks are not suitable for teeth. So avoid them.
- Eat more and more vegetables and fruits.
- Limit your medications.
- Visit the dentist after at least six months for examination.

Author’s insight
Above mentioned remedies can reduce the severe side effects of bad teeth on your health. Teeth are a strong yet delicate part of your body. You can easily maintain them by keeping them clean. Visit the dentist after a few months if your oral health is not good. It will definitively affect your entire body. The primary link between complications is inflammation. When your gums are filled with pus, this pus travels in the body. Infection-causing bacteria affects the rest of the body, so if we can stop the mouth bacteria there.
We can save the rest of the body. It is easy. We have to change our daily routine. Brush your teeth. Change feeding habits. We must avoid junk food. We must limit sweet food. Use more vegetables and fruits. They are rich in dietary fibers. Helps in cleaning plaque. Vitamins are antioxidants. You know fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins. They can prevent bacterial infection and repair damage. You can share your teeth care routine. How do you take care of your teeth? Side effects of bad teeth on your health are very likely to reduce by adopting above remedies.
Few facts published by WHO as a treat
- Affects a person throughout his life
- Major non-communicable disease
- Teeth decay is the most common health problem in the world.
- 3.5 Billion people are affected around the globe
- 530 million children’s milk teeth are affected
- Severe gum disease results in tooth loss
- 10% of people have lost their teeth because of dental problems
- Oral cancer is the third most common type of cancer.
- Oral cancer is common in Africa and Asia.
- 5% of health expenditure is used in developed countries for its treatment.
- In high-income countries, 10% of pocket expenditure is spent on it.
- Low or middle-income countries are not efficient in their treatment.
- An unhealthy diet is a common cause.
- Tobacco damages the teeth drastically.
- Alcohol also impairs the teeth.
- The absence of fluoride in toothpaste or water is a common problem.
- It is preventable.
- Dental issues are treatable in the early stages.
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