In this article, we are trying to train the Women for Self Defence. Woman around the globe, whether she’s from Pakistan or from a country like The United States, where women are said to be empowered and loud, will be able to relate to the following scenario:
Walking down the road or travelling in an Uber alone, a strange group of men passes, and your heart sinks. Maybe they will stare at you or will call you names? Who knows? The Uber driver takes one wrong left, and your guard goes up. “I should have shared my trip with my husband or my father because they will know where I am if something goes wrong.” Isn’t it sad that women are in constant fear and are not able to live their lives freely? Self-defence for women isn’t an option, but a necessity.
Why do women have a fear of getting groped in public? Self-defence for women shouldn’t be an option, but a necessity as the danger of getting harassed is literally down EVERY STREET!
It is not always as expressive as touching a woman, but sexual harassment can be as broad as blocking her path for some interaction, looking at her and staring, making remarks like ‘Hi beautiful’ while she’s passing by. All these behaviours not only make it unsafe for women to go out and live a normal life but also make them fear the society and its people more.

‘Take your brother with you.’
You often hear, “Do not go out late” or “Take your brother with you.” Why? It is because a male will protect you from a male harasser. Isn’t it outrageous that an individual cannot go out freely but has to depend on her family member for a small task such as ‘going to the store at night’?
Self-defence for women has equal importance as we give to education. At an early age, every woman should know basic self-defence techniques. This way, we not only make the daughters of the nation strong but also independent. Harassment or public humiliation leaves an everlasting impression on a person’s personality.
Women who experience sexual harassment are often victims of depression and other mental health problems. The experience isn’t only humiliating but also exhausting mentally.
Also read: Basic signs of depression
Why learning self defence for women is important?

Attackers are robbers or sexual harassers who are always looking for women irrespective of how they look or what they are wearing. To reduce the attacks, feel safe, and be at peace while travel, a woman must know how to protect herself without the need to depend on a male figure.

What is martial arts and how can they help women?
The historical origin of Japanese and Chinese martial arts can be traced back to the warrior traditions in 550 AD when samurai and the caste system restricted the use of weapons and started using martial arts. Martial arts lessons are one of the best ways to learn self-defence for women.
How can we know which form of martial arts is suitable for women? Self-defence for women will be different from martial art forms for warriors and male fighters. Sexual harassers, robbers, and attackers roam the streets free while women are at the risk of getting attacked daily. Women must learn martial arts as a form of self-defence to protect themselves. Martial arts learned with proper training can be a great asset for women while walking in the streets to defend themselves. However, with so many forms of martial arts out there, some ways prove to be more effective than others.
Women aren’t physically strong when it comes to their upper body, but what we are good at are kicks! Judo is all about swift movements that help you pin down your opponent to the ground. The objective of judo isn’t to harm others, but it gives you enough time to get away from your attacker.
Tae kwon do
Tae Kwon Do is a Korean martial art technique. It emphasizes on using high kicks, jumping spins, and striking above the opponent’s height. Tae Kwon Do is especially useful for women. Unlike men, they don’t have upper body strength, and they can use their legs for maximum power. One swift kick in the groin of the attacker or at his legs, and he will crumble to the ground.
Krav maga
Krav maga is an Israelian form of martial art that comes from the Israeli defence force system. In this, the objective is to seriously harm or cause injury to the attacker using any body parts like knees and elbows. Self-defence for women is often taught to harm the attacker just to buy some time to get-away. However, with krav maga, if you have enough people around you, you can kill the attacker or cause serious injuries to teach him a good lesson!
Wing Chun
A woman known as Ng Mui invented Wing Chun, and it was also first used by a woman in a fight. It is a close-range combat system because most of the attacks on women are nearby. The force punches and moves could be lethal for the attacker.
How to use a pepper spray as self defence for women?
While martial arts can be difficult for some women to learn and can be time-consuming, another self-protection technique for women to defend themselves against street crime is carrying a pepper spray.
Pepper sprays are can-sprays that are oily in nature and water-insoluble. When used directly in the eyes or inhaled by someone, they can cause severe damage. Police officers started the use of pepper sprays to guard themselves against attackers on the scene of the crime, and due to their effective results and ease of use, they quickly became a useful self-defence tool for women.
How to use a pepper spray?
- If you must walk back home late at night, or get your car parked in a parking lot, you must have the “Can” in your hand and finger on the trigger.
- Be aware of your surroundings and have all your essentials and gadgets in your bag.
- Share the time of your arrival and leaving the destination with a member of your family.
- Spray the “Can” directly at his eyes, leaving him blind.
- It will give you an ample amount of time to call someone or get away from the scene.
The bottom line
Women have always feared sexual harassment and stare of men while walking in the streets. Whether she is a working woman or a student, calling out the names and touching in public just won’t stop. It’s high time we women took the matter in our own hands and be aware of our surroundings. Teach your daughters at an early age how they can practice self-defence techniques. Self-defence for women is a serious issue, and it needs to be included in our education. Simple self-defence techniques for women are a great way to protect themselves and empower women.