Reasons Why You Should Consider A Career in Nursing


If you dream is studying a career that, in addition to training you as a very competitive professional in your own right, will allow you to have a positive impact on society and your environment in general, but you need a little convincing, then you’ve come to the correct place.

Nursing is, after all, one of the most respected careers around the globe, especially because practicing it not only implies that you have a great deal of knowledge about the different types of ailments a person can have, but also a commitment to service, kindness and patience, among many other qualities.
Keep in mind that, sometimes, the work of nurses involves accompanying patients for long hours or at night, in addition to a high level of empathy and emotional intelligence.

With that said, and although to obtain this professional degree and practice it, you need to have a very specific profile, you should know that it can offer you multiple benefits.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some reasons why getting a nursing career can be an excellent option for your own personal and professional development.

  1. Nursing offers very competitive wages. A factor that tends to weigh heavily on some students when choosing their college career is the income they can expect to earn in the various degrees that match their talents, goals and preferences. If this is your case, it is important that you know that although pay is an important aspect to consider before making a decision, it should not be the determining factor. However, the reality is that as a nurse you can expect a good salary that will allow you to achieve many of your goals, such as improving your quality of life supporting your family. According to website, the average nurse salary in the US is $73,550 as of 2020, which equals $35.36 per hour, $1,414 per week, and $6,129 per
    month. [1]
  2. Nursing is a very satisfying job. Are you one of those people who’s oftentimes worried about the career they’re going to choose because in the end the job might be dull, boring, or just nor satisfying overall? Well, according to a 2017 survey for registered nurses “AMN Healthcare’s Nursing Survey”, 83% of them feel satisfied with their choice of career, 60% feel satisfied with their current jobs, and 66% would encourage other people to become nurses as well. [2]
  3. Nursing can get to be an exciting job
    On that previous note we mentioned about dull and boring jobs: for nurses, no day looks the same. Each day involves meeting different patients with different health concerns, so they’re facing challenges each time they go to work.
    Often, the workday feels like an adrenaline rush. In fact, most nurses accept the challenges that come with the profession, according to the previously mentioned survey.
  4. You may end up debt-free after finishing you career. A ridiculous prospect, isn’t it? Getting a degree without acquiring insurmountable amounts of debt. But it is true. Nurses can get most if not all of their student loans pardoned by the government. If you’re further interested, website has got you covered. [3]
  5. You will grow as an individual. It is clear that pursuing a career, no matter which one you choose, drives you to grow both professionally and personally. A nursing career, on that note, can teach you many things and help you develop multiple skills for your life in general. Although the ideal is that those who decide to study this degree already have some characteristics, such as empathy, emotional intelligence, assertiveness, among others, there is no doubt that practicing this profession will help you enhance them to a greater extent. Also, by being in contact with patients who are living in some difficult situations and who require your support to get ahead, your ability to understand those around you, regulate your emotions and get ahead in the face of any adversity will grow.
  6. There are nursing programs everywhere, with some of them being online. Although some educational programs may seem hard to find, universities offer nursing degrees throughout the country. Nursing students can find programs in every state with ease, and at least one nursing degree in every metropolitan area. It should come as no surprise, but health-care professions are one of the most popular areas of study in higher education. [4]In addition to that, there are many institutions of higher education that offer nursing degrees online. These are very good alternatives for those who many not be able to enroll in traditional programs, such as people who have demanding responsibilities such as caring for their families or working full-time.

Those were some of what we think are the biggest reasons why you should consider getting a career in nursing. From the more materialistic and career-focused points of view, to the more human aspects of it, nursing is by most accounts and excellent choice of career and one that shouldn’t be disregarded.
So, how do you, someone who’s considering getting a nursing degree, start? Well, doing so has never been easier, what with all the available information online and all the varying options you can get in the US.

We recommend finding an online course that is best suited to what you personally are looking for. If you’re not interested in doing it online, you can just as easily find one of the many options we’re sure will be available to you in your city or state.

All in all, however, just remember as always that with most things like this, it will fall upon yourself to get the most and the best out of it. From the affordability of the career itself, to the flexibility of its schedule, to the quality of its professors, it will depend on how well you do your own research.

[2] Page 9, “Career & Work Environment”.


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