7 Facts How Coffee Can Prevent Pre-aging


Not long ago, everyone on the internet had warning signs in their hands practically scaring people off from the use of caffeine daily but new researches suggests that if you consume coffee daily, you can not only help with a longer healthier life. It’s also helpful in the prevention of signs of Pre-Aging and aids in weight loss. Yes, you heard that right, having your favorite beverage first thing in the morning and also looking youthful day by day. Isn’t that a perfect combination? 

There are 7 facts how coffee can prevent Pre-Aging 

Coffee beans in heart shape - Coffee aids in weight loss | Blurbgeek


Polyphenols are phytochemicals (e.g., flavonoids, lignans, phenolic acids) primarily found in the plants and green vegetables, fruits, grains, and coffee/tea. This hormone prevents the skin against aging and protect the skin from UV rays and harmful aging pollutants (Present in smoke, air, and UV Rays)

Rich in antioxidants  

Coffee is a compelling source of antioxidants. Many types of research prove that coffee is more powerful of an antioxidant than green tea and cocoa which are considered the KINGS of antioxidants. Antioxidants help in clearing skin problems, fine lines and protect your body against free radicals that cause heart diseases, cancer, and other problems in the body. Free radicals are made in our body as a by-product of food breakdown or through exposure to sun and smokes. Antioxidants fight these free radicals and the high percentage of antioxidants in one’s body means the body is more immune to diseases.

Reduces inflammation 

 Inflammation is associated with a thousand diseases like cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s and depression, etc. Thanks to coffee and its anti-inflammatory effects and metabolites that it not also decreases inflammation in the body but also prevents the body against heart diseases (common in elderly) thus increasing longevity.

Improves athletic performance

Caffeine awakens the mind and gives the necessary boost to the body to get ready for the body. Researchers suggest that people who drink their first cup of coffee after 7 am. They tend to be more athletic as they have high energy in the morning, and they engage in high energy workouts. Morning coffee can help with the morning workouts like jogging, running and cardio exercises, etc.

Reduces cellulite on the skin

Women tend to develop cellulite on their skin after giving birth or gaining a lot of weight. Caffeine helps in cellulite reduction by widening the diameter of blood vessels and improving blood flow throughout the area. 

A coffee scrub can also be used to reduce cellulite on the skin.

Aids in weight loss

Coffee aids in weight loss as the more caffeine you consume. It reduces your appetite thus keeping you in a calorie deficit. Being in a calorie deficit you lose more calories than you consume. Thus, energy is consumed from the fat stored in your body. Once the energy is used, fat is reduced in the body. It also aids in weight loss by boosting your metabolic rate. So, you lose more calories in a day and lose weight quicker. 

A natural source of Vitamin E – Gamma-tocopherol

We all put vitamin E capsules on our faces for that free Botox and to keep the skin elastic and smooth. What we don’t know is that an additional step to the skincare regime can be drinking coffee as it contains Gamma-tocopherol which makes about 70% of the Vitamin E intake in our body. Vitamin E helps in lipids production. Which keeps the skin smooth and prevents shagginess of the skin thus keeping the skin youthful. 


person holding cup while reading book

Drinking 3-4 cups of coffee daily (without sugar as it adds to high sugar intake. But sweeteners are exceptions) adds to an excellent lifestyle. Researches also show that consuming coffee helps with memory. The people who consume coffee daily are more alert, remember important information and figures better than those who didn’t consume coffee daily. 

Thinking about that cup of coffee you skipped in the morning, right? 

Caffeine is an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamin E and can protect against the harmful pollutants (Smoke, UV rays, etc). When consumed daily and will contribute to a healthier, glowing, and youthful skin. GRAB THAT COFFEE RIGHT NOW! 

Coffee in white ceramic mug - Helps to stop pre aging | Blurbgeek

Reality Check

A thousand years back, on a mountainside in Africa, a herd of goats kept by shepherd. Up around nighttime after devouring red espresso berries. The shepherd took his creatures’ disclosure to certain priests, and long petition meetings followed by mountains. It’s a decent story, at any rate.

A study suggests that Americans get the great majority of their cellular reinforcements from their day by day consumption of caffine. 1-2 Cups a day seem, via all accounts, to be useful. Or on the other hand, in the occasion which you don’t care for coffee. You could strive dark tea, the second most expended cancer prevention agent source. Bananas, dry beans, and corn wrap up the primary five.


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