Healthy Foods to Eat Before Exams?
Researches proved some of the foods to eat before exams, that will really boost your brain and help in studying more efficiently. Foods are source of energy and if you eat fresh foods, this will improve your mood as well. Similarly, Diet is very important when it comes to learning. Besides learning, You do need “Food for Brain” to keep brain active, sharp, attentive and cognitively flexible.
Today we will discuss about the 10 of the best foods that to eat before exams that will help you to sharpen your brain activity and will help you to remember the important things that you don’t want to forget while appearing in the exams.
To live, a man needs food, water and sharp mind

List of the Foods To Eat Before Exams
- Nuts
- Apples
- Yogurt
- Blueberries
- Turmeric
- Salmon Fish
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Broccoli
- Sage
- Dark Chocolate
Don’t forget to checkout: 7 Best Delicious Food To Cook For Dinner.
Our brain uses 20% of all Glucose, 40% of all Water, 35% of all vitamins and 50% of fats in our body. This percentage increases considerably while you are doing an activity that uses the brain power more than regular. Foods with high amount of fats, nutrients, water and just a little carbs (or Glucose) are great at nourishing our brains.
Following are Best Brain foods to eat that will get you through the exams:
1- Nuts:

Nuts are nature’s energy package. Its consumption is linked to the improvement of mood, enhance memory, learning and attention capability. Nut contain polyunsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients which have vital roles in aspects of brain health.
Nuts have following vital functions:
- B-group vitamins: Necessary for production of neurotransmitters and cell structure.
- Polyunsaturated acids: Precarious components of neuronal cell membranes, maintains fluidity and communication between brain cells.
- Vitamin E: Involves in nervous cell membranes protection through its action.
- Magnesium and Calcium: Regulation of neurotransmission.
- Iron: Necessary to oxygenation of brain as well as for synthesis of neurotransmitters and myelin.
2- Apples:

Apples are very helpful for keeping your body and mind healthy. Research studies prove that eating apples improves the brain health, reduce neuro-degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
The powerful Antioxidant in apples was found to protect brain cells. It have particularly high levels of quercetin. The skin of Apple contains majority of quercetin as well as other beneficial antioxidants.
An apple, a day keeps the doctor away.
3- Yogurt:

Yogurt is made by fermenting milk with sour entity mainly (lemon juice or yogurt). It’s benefits include Bone health and aiding digestion. Yogurt contain active, Probiotics, Which helps to keep the intestine healthy. It contains calcium, vitamin B6 and B12, Potassium and magnesium, which is helpful for improving the mind and storing maximum information in mind.
Yogurt may offer protection for bones, teeth, improve mind and help prevent digestive problem. Low-fat yogurt can useful for protein on weight-loss diet. Probiotics can boost the immune system and brain. While yogurt alone won’t give you a brain boost, but it helps to fix problems and is a great carrier for other brain foods.
4- Blueberries:

Researchers explain that chemical compounds may minimize the breakdown of communication between neurons. As by age, oxidation and inflammation in the brain may damage neurons, but blueberries may reduce inflammation and cognitive decline. Moreover, blueberries are combined with omega-2 foods such as walnuts and almonds both cognitive and motor skills are improved to such extent that brain activity of older rodents’ brain resembled those of younger rats found in the studies.
Blueberries may add to salads, yogurt and cereal as well. For tasty topper, heat blueberries in pan with olive oil. Simmer until the fruit pops and sauce thickens. Nutrients in blueberries show ability to improve memory, verbal comprehension, decision making and numerical ability.
5- Curry/Turmeric:

Neurons are skillful of forming new connections, but in certain areas of the brain they can increase in number or multiply. Turmeric may improves brain function and lowers the risk of brain diseases.
Common Brain disorders links to decreased in level of hormone. Which includes depression and Alzheimer’s disease. Turmeric can increase Brain levels. It may be effective in delaying or reversing many brain diseases and age-related decreases in brain function. It also improves memory and makes you smarter. Turmeric may enhances the birth of new brain cells and promotes connections to other brain cells.
6- Salmon Fish:

Eating Salmon fish while pregnant and nursing can boost learning capability and academic performance in child brain. Salmon Fish contain high level of DHA (decosahexaenoic acid) which is structural fatty acid in central nervous system and retina. Feeding salmon to immature child also aids in prevention of ADHD and can boost Brain performance.
It has other benefits as well which includes treatment of osteoarthritis, joint condition, reduces risk of depression, increases cardiovascular health, excellent source of vitamin D and prevents cell damages.
7- Pumpkin Seeds:

Pumpkin Seeds contain dominant antioxidants that protects the body and brain from free radial damage. They are also source of magnesium, zinc, iron and copper.
Following are the importance of the nutrients for brain health:
- Magnesium: It’s essential for memory and learning. Low magnesium links to neurological conditions which includes depression…
- Zinc: Crucial for nerve signaling. Low zinc links to neurological conditions which includes Alzheimer and Parkinson’s diseases.
- Iron: It’s deficiency often characterized by brain fog and comprised brain function.
These Nutrients may improve memory and thinking skills.
8- Broccoli:

Broccoli is source of two crucial nutrients that help in improving brain function. It contains Vitamin K which helps to strengthen cognitive abilities while Choline also found to improve memory. People perform better in memory tests who eat plenty of broccoli. Broccoli includes sizable serving of folic acid, which prevents from Alzheimer’s disease. Lack of folic acid leads to depression. So, Plenty of broccoli leads could keep you happy.
9- Sage:

Sage has strong earthy flavor and fragrance therefore used in less amount. It’s has variety of important nutrients and compound. Sage is also used as natural cleaning agent, ritual object and pesticides in spiritual sage burning. It has following nutrients calories, proteins, carbs, fats, manganese, calcium, vitamin B6, iron and vitamin K.
Sages are loaded with antioxidants, support oral health, erase menopause symptoms, reduce blood sugar level, support memory and brain health, may lower ‘Bad’ LDL cholesterol, protect against certain cancers and it also adds to diet as well.
10- Dark Chocolate:

Research states that eating dark chocolate changes brain wave frequency, provide benefits in memory improvement and stress reduction. Chocolate makes us feel good, taste good, we get pleasure from it. It is also a healthy food.
“The closer you get to the SOURCE, the more benefit you’ll going to get”
It prevents from various diseases which includes Heart attack, Stroke and Diabetes. Chocolate contains Antioxidants which improves the health as well as memory. It has a chemical that makes you to feel good. Therefore, we prefer it to give it to beloved ones on valentine day.
Concluding: What to Eat Before Exams?
These were the foods you should eat before exams. It will help to improve your mood and get through your exam in flying colors. These foods will only help you preparing for exams. Surely, you’d have to prepare for the exams as well.
Hahahahahaha good job