Keto Diet Guide-7: How Keto Diet Affects Blood Cholesterol Level?


One of the most asked question by clients who are in their forties of fifties, when they sign up for keto diet from a nutrition expert. While it’s a fact that low-carb diets and keto diets both have gone through enough clinical trials to answer this question. Let us make that clear for you.

Many of you are aware of the fact that Cholesterol can be measured by a test known as Vertical auto profile (VAP) test. The test explains the cholesterol in two forms,

1. HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) Cholesterol

Also known as good boy or good cholesterol. It scavenges the cholesterol from the blood stream and deliver it to the lever. The lever then flushes it out of the system thus, saving the body from many heart diseases.

2. LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) Cholesterol

Known as bad boy or bad cholesterol. LDL is composed of different particles which are not friendly to arterial linings and get stuck in them. Thus, LDL contributes to plaque. This blockage causes heart attack and many more heart related diseases.

How Keto Diet Affect Cholesterol Level?

Keto diet is all about fat consumption. The more you consume the more ketones are produced and results are good health, low sugar levels and weight loss. But the thing is fats contribute to the production of cholesterol. This is why, many fear keto diet. What they failed to grasp is, If they consume low fat diet the production of HDL cholesterol also becomes less and perhaps even more than LDL.

If LDL levels shoot up a number of small particles stick with arterial linings become higher. This increases the risk of heart diseases all the more. But the keto diet ensures the production of HDL and less production of LDL. This eventually controls your cholesterol level leading to good health with a healthy beating heart.

Research Studies

A research investigation was done in the Annals of Internal Medicine, in which they separated peoples in two groups.

  1. One In Keto Diet Gathering
  2. Low Fat Diet Gathering

The results were surprising, those who were in keto diet gathering lost more weight and also loss significantly their triglyceride levels. Their HDL cholesterol levels were higher and in general they were more healthy and clinically fit than their counterpart group.

Read Also: What Is Ketogenic Diet? Is It Safe?


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