Getting Married This Year? Enjoy The Tips To Look Beautiful


    Marriage is a union between two people, between two souls in fact between two families. Once in a while, in the middle of an ordinary life marriage gives us a fairy tale. The bride and groom are the stars of marriage. Looking good or beautiful is not the right or dream of celebrities nowadays even a regular person wants to look perfect on a special occasion for this purpose they should practice some tips to look beautiful on wedding. Months are spent on deciding the wedding date, decoration tons of money spent on shopping, brands are visited to get the amazing dressing to look perfect on this special day. In the middle of all planning and organizing, a bridle forgets the most important thing: take care of herself. Just remember:

    “A beautiful bride looted lusty, oldie and flew away”.

    So it’s the time to get into the nitty-gritty of looking fantastic on the big day. Obviously we are talking about your wedding beauty regimens because it is the right time to give a makeover so that you can have the best hairs, nails, and skin. Pre-wedding beauty regimens are the perfect way to practice some self-care, de-stress your self. Here we bring some top pre-wedding tips for the brides-to-be, Off course, each step will aid you in perfecting your wedding day look, from smoothing your skin to strengthening your hairs. So enjoy these tips to look beautiful on the wedding day.

    Prepare your face:

    As dead cells accumulate on the skin, they will interfere with light reflection giving it a dull appearance. So before applying bridle makeup on your face or to look glamorous on this special day prepare your face for this heavy makeup. To get better results apply weekly exfoliation, Physical or chemical can provide you with a smooth surface for makeup application. Adding a de-hydrated serum with hyaluronic acid can also help to plump up fine lines around your face.

    How to apply: initially once a week as advancing twice a week, before makeup application to get softer, smoother, and glowing skin.

    Home remedy: Homemade scrub made of rice flour or whole wheat flour or a mixture of both would be the best natural exfoliation.

    Prepare your face | blurbgeek
    Prepare your face

    Tips to look beautiful on the wedding day:

    1. Hair treatment
    2. Visit an Aesthetician for Regular Facials.
    3. Schedule regular manicures and pedicures.
    4. Hair removal treatment.
    5. Maintain the glow
    6. Try false lashes and take care of your eyebrows.
    7. Take care of your lips.

    Hair treatment:

    While it’s completely understandable that a frizz-prone bride would want to take out an extra hair-insurance policy for the big day so try natural remedies for hair at home to give long-lasting shine or glow to hairs. You can use the different homemade hair masks to give extra shine to your hairs. Natural remedies are also given protection to hairs against the strong application of hair products on the wedding day. Must try amazing hair tips to look beautiful at your wedding. If you want to get quick results, try advanced treatments at saloon there are so many different keratin treatments (also known as Brazilian treatments) and relaxers introduced today to get desired results.

    Hair treatment | blurbgeek
    Hair treatment

    Visit an Aesthetician for Regular Facials:

    If you’re one of the lucky few whose skin is under control and you want to keep it that way leading up to your wedding, find a reputable aesthetician in your area to help maintain skin in tip-top shape. Attend regular bridle facial because facials can help to clear clogged pores, quench parched skin and remove dead cells. Facials include some massages with aid in blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, it also helps to relax facial muscles, which can slow the onset of wrinkles on face\skin. It also detoxifies the skin. Facial also prevent acne or acne marks.

    How many days before you should start the facial? Ideally facial is done 2-3 days before any event to get desired results. But make sure you don’t step out in the sun. To keep your skin glowing after facial for so many days try a moisturizer.

    some tips for you: The best to book a facial is late afternoon, early evening if you work full-time since it will allow the product to fully absorbed in the skin to achieve the great benefits a facial provides.

    Regular facial | blurbgeek
    Regular facial

    Schedule regular manicures and pedicures:

    To make your hands look beautiful cosmetics treatment of hands and feet is very important. Beauty treatments of hand and feet make them softer by removing dead tissues.


    Treat yourself to a professional manicure every few weeks leading up to your wedding to ensure your hands and nails are in tip-top shape. Manicure for fingernails and hands can be performed at home or at a salon. It includes filling and shaping the edge of nails, massaging, and also application of fingernail polish. This relaxing massage during manicure increases the mobility of joints.


    Pedicure is analogous to manicure but it’s the treatment of feet. It is done for cosmetic or therapeutic purposes. Pedicure involves massage and a soak of the feet and legs to soften up calluses and make the skin on the feet easier to work with. This brings the healthiest layer of skin to the surface. Lastly, nails are trimmed, polished, and painted if you desire for it. It not only moisturizes your skin but also makes you feel relax after a foot massage. It increases blood circulation.

    Tip for you: Keep your hands softer and moisturized by massaging them with olive oil at night before bed. This will help you to get rid of dry skin. Make sure that you use a pumice stone during bating.

    When: 3 months out

    manicure and pedicure | blurbgeek
    manicure and pedicure

    Hair removal treatment:

    Sudden hair removal from any part of body can gives you small cut and rashres.

    Maintain the Glow:

    Many of us give up on our beauty schedules post the wedding. Here is a question for you – why should you put a time frame on looking gorgeous? You needn’t be at the treatment center as often, but you don’t have to stop entirely either.

    After all, everyone deserves a little ‘me time’. Some other important suggestions include:

    • Try to avoid using an untried facial product on the day of the wedding.
    • Do not tweeze your brows on the wedding day.
    • Do not skip meals.

    If you follow these simple tips, you will surely feel beautiful inside and out. You will look and feel like a million bucks. Our ultimate advice would be that you should try to stay happy, because after all, how we feel inside is what reflects outside.

    Maintain the glow | blurbgeek
    Maintain the glow

    Try false lashes and take care of your eyebrows:

    Modify your best bow shape according to your face and remove extra hairs. Waxing is a popular option but treading with use a cotton threading rolled around your skin to catch hairs, is the quicker and more precious way.

    Tip: Take frequent visit to salon to maintain the shape, it’s your surest way to get flawless bows.

    Lashes: To get the romantic look try to apply half lashes in the outer corner of your eyes. Longer lashes will enhance the shape of your eyes and focus all attention on your face. Extension eliminates the need for mascara.

    Take care of your lips:

    Before applying lipstick on the wedding day take extra care of your lips each night by applying a generous layer of vaseline or lip balm.

    Process: Gently rub it over your lips in a circular motion with a wet cloth. This will soften and exfoliate your lips at the same time. You can also visit a salon that offers special lip treatment to make them softer.

    Take care of lips | blurbgeek
    Take care of lips

    Natural regimens:

    • Try to de-stress
    • Lift weights
    • Healthy diet
    • Get into dry brushing on the skin
    • Nourish your skin with starting shower
    • Try to be active
    • Go to juicing

    Try to de-stress:

    On the complexion front, says NYC dermatologist Dendy Engelman:

    “Many inflammatory conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, and keratosis pilaris, maybe at least partially caused by stress. As stress weakens the immune system, chronic inflammation worsens.”

    No doubt a wedding is a life-changing event it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But don’t be stressful keep your self relax and prepare for the big day. It’s natural to feel little jittery. Here are some tricks to feel stress-free. Enjoy them to get rid of wedding tensions.

    • Mediate
    • Pamper yourself
    • Don’t be afraid of the delegate
    • Jot down your felling
    • Think about your upcoming lovely journey of life
    • Don’t allow yourself to be nervous
    • Take extra care of yourself
    • Stay connected with your soul mate
    • Consider softening scents

    Excess anxiety can disturb your sleep, which in turn can lead to grey, decidedly un-bridle complexion. So practice these stress-relieving tips to look beautiful at the wedding.

    Read Also: Stress Relieving Activities- Remove Stress Quickly

    Distress your self
    Distress your self

    Healthy diet:

    Every wedding guide for brides will tell you to use certain skin essentials for radiance, but only a few will tell you the real secret. A healthy outside starts from the inside. Our skin requires proper nourishment to get that youthful glow and it won’t come until you kick the junk food.

    Make sure that you eat right and take care of following points.

    • 1. Eat your greens.
    • 2. Eat seasonal fruits.
    • 3. Never skip your meals.
    • 4. Stop with drastic weight loss regimes
    Healthy diet | blurbgeek
    Healthy diet

    Get into dry brushing on the skin:

    According to Engelman, dry-brushing yields major skin benefits, including exfoliation and increased blood circulation (i.e. a healthy glow). From an overall wellness standpoint, it also revs up the flow of lymph, the all-important fluid that whisks toxins out of our systems.

    “Lymph relies on muscle movement to pass through the body, so if you’re not an active person, dry-brushing is a wonderful tool to rid the body of waste,”

    Dry skin brushing | blurbgeek
    Dry skin brushing

    Engelman notes.

    Start with three dry-brushing sessions per week, building up to daily, and make sure to slather on some type of moisturizer afterward.

    Nourish your skin with starting shower:

    As Dr. Mona Gohara ( a famous dermatologist) says:

    “Most women don’t realize that your skincare routine truly starts in the shower and that using a gentle cleanser is key,”

    She also recommends Dove body wash which is sulfate-free, made with 100 gentle cleansers provides smoother and softer skin just after one shower. Here are some benefits to it:

    • It helps to bind moisture in the skin and prevent drying.
    • Soften skin instantly
    • Vanish dryness and makes skin delicate
    • Hydrate sensitive skin
    • Remove extra oil from body

    Guideline for you: Gently patting your skin dry instead of rubbing and applying lotion within minutes of getting out of the shower to lock in moisture before it evaporates. Get in the habit of doing this for beautiful skin from head-to-toe comes your wedding day.

    Go to juicing:

    We all look for ways to get a beautiful and flawless skin by applying commercial chemical-laden beauty products; however, what we tend to ignore are the natural ways of getting glowing skin. “It’s better to eat the fruit or vegetable, but smoothies made with fresh vegetables are great sources of nutrients, especially when combined with Green Magma, which is the powdered juice of young green barley.  They also consist of antioxidants that inhibit the growth and effect of free radicals in the body, which are responsible for damaging body cells.

    Go to juicing | blurbgeek
    Go to juicing

    The Bottom Line

    On this big event be yourself at your wedding, and you’ll look gorgeous, beautiful, and stunning!! There will be several things at your wedding which would not happen your way, but that doesn’t mean that you will start stressing yourself out for them, instead forget everything and just focus on one thing that you are going to marry the person you have always wanted to!! Just avoid small little things, it’s your day enjoy it completely and fully!!


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