10 Things that Poor Do but Rich Don’t


What is greater than GOD? What is the greatest curse in our world? For the first question answer is Nothing, but for the second question we know the obvious answer. The greatest curse in our world is being a poor, but they consider it as their luck. They don’t have a long list of instructions, they can do what they want or what they like. But when the word “Philanthropy” introduced in the human dictionary, it changed the old concept of world. The world philanthropy means “LOVE OF MANKIND”. When we love mankind not people we give freedom to everyone to enjoy the life. Since there is a long list of things that poor can do but rich can’t. But we are sharing with you some of the amazing things that poor so and rich don’t.

  1. Poor focus on saving; don’t want to be a money bag
  2. Poor are good listeners
  3. Try rich-quick schemes
  4. Have lottery mentality
  5. Empathy
  6. Blaming other for their problems
  7. Have peace of mind
  8. Love to watch TV every night before bed
  9. Rush to buy things on sales
  10. They rely on will power

Poor focus on saving

Although saving is not an income stream. Most of the poor people put their money aside a saving, try to secure their future by safe investment portfolios. Majority of them dreamed for a well furnished house or a brand-new car with their savings.

Saving Money Things that poor do | Blurbgeek
Saving Money – Things that poor do

Because me, when I believe:

” Money is neutral: it gives equal freedom to people to do what they want. People are not born evil & Angel, some events make them so. Some of these events evaded by money.

Poor are good listeners

Rich people consider their attitude their power but poor people have a genuine thing that must be appreciated that is his listening power. Poor are always good listeners. They describe a story and want other opinion, Never impose their decisions on others. Poor people always tries to create a coordination in the surrounding. They give attention to other, share equal right to communicate, and make this planet worthy of living.

Poor are good listeners | Blurbgeek
Poor are good listeners

They try quick-rich ideas

Poor people are far more likely to fall for get-rich-quick schemes. In today’s world, we are used to getting instant gratification. Everything we want to know is available to internet, just a click away. People who are in raised in this modern struggling world seems to expect their rise to wealth to happen just as quickly. They work on a pyramid scheme. A sales person tries to pitch idea that you make tons on money quickly by selling a product to your family and friends mere bullshit. A rich person never ever fall a victim of this scheme because he had educated himself for finance and business. He understands the fact that it took a long time o make tons of money.

Get Rich Quick Schemes -Things that poor do | Blurbgeek

Poor people have lottery mentality

Poor people always need someone or something else to make them rich ‘wants to apply ALADDIN’S MAGICAL STORY in real life. They love to play lottery but in reality the odds of winning lottery is 1 in cores. By chance if they win a lottery they quit their job, do what they want. So, I simply mean by buying lottery tickets you are really just contributing towards someone else’s earning. Try to be smart instead of wasting money on lottery tickets try to start a small business. In contrary to this rich are more active and make plans. They take smart step to achieve success.

Lottery Scheme for poor | Blurbgeek
Lottery Scheme for poor

According to a survey of Bank-rate people who make $30,000 or less/ year tend to spend 13% of their income on ” financial vice” like lottery tickets, cigarettes and coffee at Starbucks.


People living in poverty can emphasize a lot more with their fellows and understand they are going through. The pains of having work odd shifts just to get by for the month while not feeling the family, may be not able to put food in their plates. These all things rich never need to think because he enjoys the luxuries of life. Poor struggle for basic needs like food. Plenty of rich having sympathy but all the poor people have empathy.

Poor craves for gain empathy | Blurbgeek
Poor craves for gain empathy

Blaming other for their problems

For poor people, it’s always someone else’s fault. They do not own up to their mistakes. They tend to blame other for their failure. By putting blame on other and consider yourself a perfect person, takes you away from your responsibilities for your own destiny. Poor people don’t want to learn from their mistakes. Thinking that way closes all the doors to improving your money earning skills. Think again, the world is fair it’s your perspective that is wrong. Instead, rich people try to learn from their mistakes. They admit their mistakes and work for make improvements in their work or business. Rich people do not consider their-self MR. Perfect, as poor do.

Poor always blame others | Blurbgeek
Poor always blame others

Have peace of mind

This is the most basic thing that poor can enjoy but rich can’t that is “peace”. Poor can be described in two ways,

  1. They are lacking necessities of life. In this case peace of mind is difficult to achieve.
  2. As a state of wanting things for comfortable life.
Poor have peace of mind | Blurbgeek
Poor have peace of mind

So, if poor people can control lifelong quest of wanting they can enjoy peace of mind. They can get basic need of life this is self-satisfaction. But richer can’t enjoy peace in their life because all the time they have to think how to increase their bank-balance? How to compete their competitors? According to philosopher every person having life long lust for things determine as poor. Self-satisfied person is considered as richest person of the world.

Love to watch TV at night

One common trait observed among all the poor people is that they love to watch TV. They might come home from work, immediately turn on TV. They are the person who watch series on Netflix on regular basis. For most of the people watching movies and serials is the best way to escape from realities of life. They live in mythical world of movies. Thus is the basic key of difference b/w rich and poor. They are more practical than poor people;try to find solutions of problem. These TV shows actually do not any value to your practical life. Rich often work for hours and consider watching is nothing but a wastage of time and energy, unless information given in shows is somehow relevant to their life.

Poor love to watch TV for hours | Blurbgeek
Poor love to watch TV for hours

Buy things on sale

Poor rush to buy things on sale like Black-Friday. There are so many people who decide to follow the herd shopping on huge sale. While it’s true there are some great sake on black-Friday. It’s actually possible to buy those items at similar prices during other times of the year. They end up wasting money on sales rather than saving. Same mindset also applies to regular sales too. We all well know what it’s like to go to a store once everything is on clearance and realize that all if the clothing items left on the rank are simply the worst styles. While rich persons do not compromise on quality of a thing. They are ready to pay double for a worthy thing. Rich people do not rush to buy things on sales.

Poor love to buy from sales | Blurbgeek
Poor love to buy from sales

They rely on will power

One thing we love about poor is that they understand the concept that will power is nothing if it doesn’t have good intentions. So they rely on system and habits to keep them going. They rely on their will power and wounder why they cannot stick with a random decision. Poor people have to make decisions for the better future of their family, but they do not make rapid decisions. They are self-determined.

Poor have strong will power | Blurbgeek
Poor have strong will power

“Self -education makes your fortune”

Jim Roan | Blurbgeek
Checkout our article on Motivational Things To Do In The Morning


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