5 Small And Unique Business Ideas Using 3D Printing


What is 3D Printing?

A 3D Printing technology is the newly innovative, additive manufacturing process in which a three-dimensional object is formed by using a 3d CAD file or from a 3D scanner.

In 3D printing, object is formed by continuously laying down the successive layer of feeding material comes from the filament, until the complete object is formed. 3D printing process is completely the alternative of subtractive manufacturing like CNC and milling machining in which cutting is done on metal part by using various cutting tools and techniques. But in 3D printing any type of complex geometry can be formed by less material and time using.

A 3D geometry can be formed by using various CAD software like AutoCad, SolidWorks, Catia, and Autodesk Inventor and then the object file is divided into a number of layers or slices using slicer software. After that it is converted into G-code file and then forward the file into 3D printing.

These days 3D printing technology has become user-friendly and many of the people taking advantage from 3D printing technology for their businesses.

Here we discuss 5 easy ways to own your small business using 3D printing.

1) 3D Printed Garments, Glasses & Shoes

Few years ago, 3D printing was limited for 3d hard thermoplastic materials only. But now a new development on thermoplastic material like TPE (Thermo Plastic Elastomers) has been made which is flexible as rubber and hard as plastic. It has now become really innovative for the fashion industry. Fashion designer makes 3d designs of garments, shoes and any wearable accessory and then print these designs on 3D printer.

3D Printed Clothes | Blurbgeek
3D Printed Clothes

Those who are interested in fashion designing and study fashion designing courses, by using this business idea can make their own fashion brand. They can sell their 3d printed garments, flexible and comfortable shoes or any other wearable accessory according to their own interest. You just need to have a little knowledge of 3d fashion designing and how to design in software and with 3 to 5 3d printers you’re good to go.

Danit Peleg is a fashion designer and design entirely their dresses at home sell it online and generate high revenue.

2) 3D Printed Favorite Movie And game Characters

Some of us love movie or cartoon characters, as my favorite cartoon character is Master Ultra Instinct Goku. We all want this awesome and stunning 3d character on our personal working table and that cause for our hilarity.

We all know about the growing gaming community in the world. Gamer spends a lot of time in front of their gaming PCs. Almost all the gamers wants to create their own gaming characters and spend many hours on them. Their entire kick shows that they will pay high figure dollars for their customized gaming characters.

3D Printed Game Character | Blurbgeek
3D Printed Game Character

Making customized movie, cartoon and gaming character is really a beneficial business. The market competitors in this business are less. So, you can easily achieve your desired goal by doing some attractive and stunning character designs. One of the example related to this business is Whispering Gibbon recently reached their six figure goal by making the stunning 3d character from video games.

3) On Demand 3D Printing

After global achievement and popularity of 3d printing technology, the price of 3d printers is decreasing day by day but still many of us are not able to buy a quality printer to build necessities.

On Demand 3D Printing Business | Blurbgeek
On Demand 3D Printing Business

So a simple and straight forward business idea is to buy 1 or 2 best quality 3d printers and sell the service of 3d printing in your local areas. People can promote 3d printing service in their school colleges and universities. Because there are a lot of parts and objects which are needed to complete many school projects. Even you can create an online store where you offer or provide this service. Client can upload their CAD file on your website and then you can provide 3d printed object at some suitable cost. Whichever way you choose it will be very profitable.

4) 3D Scanning And Miniature/Selfie Studio

In Asian culture, people take a lot of pictures on weddings for memories and to maintain their tradition.

The purpose of telling this is that here is an opportunity for you is to create a 3d model using 3d scanner of a person who want to have his sculpture. Using 3d scanned model you can easily create a 3d model. To make it interesting, scan a 3d model of bride in marriage ceremony and sell it at high rates. This is one of the hottest trending businesses of 3d printing technology. There is a lot of space for creativity and you can fasten the printed selfie faces onto Lego bodies for creativity.

3D Printed Groom and Bride | Blurbgeek
3D Printed Groom and Bride

5) Sell Your Own 3D Printing Course

We all know that in the future, 3d printing will become an upcoming area of knowledge. More and more people will want to learn this skill. If you already gain this promising filed knowledge, then this is the best time to teach others. You can sell 3d printing course at handsome high figures and educate people via online video tutorial lectures.

Sell Your Own 3D Printing Course | Blurbgeek
Sell Your Own 3D Printing Course

This is always a profitable business because you not only get the teaching reward but also get some handsome amount of cash by selling this future promising benefit course.


There are a lot of business ideas you can start using 3d printing technology, but we discussed 5 easy and early money making businesses. Depending on your thoughts where you go. But we recommend you choosing the area that you love the most and where your keen devotion and interest lies. Because

“It will much easier to learn the ropes when you love what you do”

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